God has a plan for you.

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God has a plan for  you this  is a motivational  and interesting  story.

           Once  upon  a time a ship caught  in a storm in a sea the  ship got destroyed  and  all the passenger  in it were  drowned in the  sea.

          Except  one  man by grace  of  God,

     He  Survived  some  how  and  came to the shore of the  sea

         After  some time  when he  regained 
          His  consciousness  and  his eyes  opened.
       He found  him  self on a desolate  in land as soon the  man woke up.

      He started  praying  to God, and said,

        " Oh god! Please  help  me! Please send me  some  help."
                Day passed  but  no help  came  for  him.

            He spent  his night  sleeping  on the  beach.

      Next  day  when  he woke up.

     He again  prayed  to God but  no help  come.

    A few  days  passed  like  this  by now  he had to totally give  up .

Taking  the life  of desolate  island as his  fate men started  to collect  some Wood  and  grass and  made a hut for  him self.  He collected  thigs from  the  broken  ship and  kept them in the  hut.

      He started  surviving by eating coconut and fish  on the  island staying  the  hut,  he started  spending  his  days.

         One  day  he lit a fire and  went in search  of food.

       When he returned  he saw that  his  hut was on fire  he was very  sad  due to the  destruction  of his only shelter in anger,  raised  his head  towards  the sky  and  started  complaining  and said,

           " Oh god! I told you  to send me  some  help  but  you  didn't  listen  to my  pray.

     I had  built a hut  here  to live  and you burnt that too you  are you very  cruel  .

    He was very  disappointed  and  he kept  complaining  god  till night
And  then  he fell  asleep  on the  sea beach.

           In the  morning,  he was woken  up by a noise  which  was very  loud.
When he opened  his  eyes  he saw that  a ship has come  to  shore.

      He could  not  believe his eyes.

He was very  happy  that  at last  help  had  come  to him.

     He got on the ship  and  ship  started  sailing.
       After  getting  on the  man asked the  captain  of the  ship. " How did  you  know  that  I am stranded here in this deserted  island?".

  We understood that  there is  some  one  on the  island  that,s why we come  here.

         Man said, " but  i did not  send any  fire  signal. "

The captain said,  " but  we have  come here  only  after  seeing  the  fire signal. "

               Just  then  man remembered  his  burning hut  he understood  that  the fire
Signal  which  the  captain was talking about was his burning  hut  he understood  that it was  god,s plan to get him out  of the deserted  island by putting  his  hut  on fire.

             He understood that god s plan  in
               Bigger  than  his plan  for  himself.

And  he  started  the  thanking  god  if we see in our  lives,  we will find  that  we do  a lot  of  planing  in  our   life  but  what  we want  does  not  happen.

          And  what  happened is not  our  choice.

       We always  try to understand  the happening  in our  life  with our  limited  mind.

         When trouble  be falls us our  faith starts to  waver patience  starts.

To Break hope  start to fade and  we start complaining to god.

       While in such times.

One should  try to get out  of  trouble  by  maintaining  faith in God.

I A world  of  over  seven billion  people  god  has a pur pose and  a plan for  each and  very  one  of us.

        We should  keep  doing  our  errors by keeping  faith in almighty  without  losing  heart our effents and  god,s blessing  to gether can get us out ever  trouble.

There foe ,when ever in your  life  you feel like  your plan  is failing.

           Everything  is happening  against your  wish.

Always  remember  that  perhaps  God  has some  other  plan for you and his plan is always  bigger  bolder and  better  than  your  plan  for yourself.

Hell0 guys  I  hope  like  you this  story  thank  you.

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