Chapter Three

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Chapter Two.

She drove straight into the garage, packing her car properly behind that of her husband's.
A clue of him being home already.

"Thanks Frank", she said to the man who opened the gate for her and who is their security man.

"Anytime ma'am Arianna", Frank replied with a high level of enthusiasm.

That is how she is, always humble and giving everyone the respect they deserves irrespective of age or status.

She half dragged her completely drained and tired self to the house.
Shirley really did a good job in exhausting her.

"Honey I'm back", she announced on entering into the house .
Almost immediately, a man appeared from one side of the house .

"Hey baby",he smiled on seeing her .
He made his way towards her to engulf her in a bear hug.

"Heyy Richard you're choking me",, Arianna exclaimed short of breath.
He pulled away immediately.

"Sorry love ,I just miss you so much. How was your day today?", He smiled kissing her cheeks then her forehead tenderly with admiration.

"You look so beautiful my love", he complimented making her to blush badly.
No matter how much she tries,she is just always sheepish and a bit shy when he compliment her.
But it always make her feel loved.

"All for you darling",she said back giving him a short full lips kiss.

Richard smiled widely, revealing his small deep dimples which endowed his cheeks.

"Heard about your victory again, I'm so proud of you babe",, he placed a light feathery kiss on her nose.

Arianna smile widened more ,"Thanks honey, it is all thanks to you",.

A look of genuine confusion striked through Richard's face, as his brows arched upwards.
"Me??", He asked probably surprised by her words .

Arianna nodded ,"yes love, without all of your support and sacrifices I won't be where I am today. You make a large piece of my Life and achievements and I love you so much ",

By the time she was done , Richard was smiling so broad and wide.
His eyes glistening with love.

"And I love you more, ",he replied with a wink and Arianna hugged him.
She took in his lovely scent which she loves so much, he felt so much like home.
He is really home.

"And trust me even without me, you will achieve this and that is because you are strong. The most dilligent,determined and excellent woman I have ever known, you are amazing.
I am so lucky to have you in my life", Richard professed and trust me Arianna was blushing and smiling already.

Her head soar with pride.
"You are my world Arianna and I am nothing without you", he added .

Arianna disengaged from the hug to stare into his grey eyes which shows his blatant affections for her.

"I love you so much ", she said amidst tears before placing her lips on his
Richard smiled simply.

"And guess what, i made dinner already. I know you must be tired ,like full fledged tired so I made your favorite", Richard said after their little bit of kissy kissy moment.

Arianna smiled as her heart spread with warmth and love, she is just so lucky to have him in her life.
He is amazing.

"Thanks darling, you just made my day", she said and Richard simply shrugged.

After then she went upstairs to their room to freshen up before coming down for dinner.
By then, Richard was already through with serving the food on the table.
He set everything already and it was so perfect

After eating they both did the dishes together, chatting amidst it which then they retired to their room to sleep.

"You are so beautiful love", Richard said immediately they got inside .
He moved more closer to her not breaking their eyes contact.

Arianna made the first move by getting on her toes to kiss him on the lips, wrapping her hands round his neck with his hands coiled round her tiny waist.
They kissed each other tenderly pouring all of their love, affections and emotions into the kiss.

And there, he made her forget all about her day stress and all.

@ Adira H.

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