Confronting their feelings (preference)

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We just finished chasing some vampires and their nest. During the hunt Dean was being strange. He was getting over protective about the stupidest things. At one point Sam was just holding me so i can see what the vampires were doing because if we went to the front they could've heard us. I understand you can be protective on certain occasions, but being protective of me being around your brother when there's no reason, now that's a bit odd. I didn't like the way Dean acted around me when I was with Sam. When we got to the bunkers i went straight to my room. They didn't notice since Castiel arrived to talk to the winchesters about something majorly important.

"Y/N?" A strong deep voice said behind my door.

"Yes?" I asked to the person.

"Its Dean... i uh... need to discuss something with you."

"Okay." He walked in and closed my door behind him then he sat across from me on my bed.

"I need to tell you something." Dean looked nervous. I didn't like this. What he need to tell me? Is it something involving Crowley maybe Metatron?

"I know you've seen me act strange around you. I would be suspicious about it too but, i need to tell you this now, before anything else happens. Lately i've been questioning myself about you... each thing you do Y/N, I admire it. You make me smile. When sam was carrying you, jealousy got upon of myself. I want you to be with me. As my girl. I want to call you pet names. It sounds crazy since we are hunters and we don't time for romance but i'm willing to make this work through this hell we have seen. I want to protect you, although I already do. I know you can fight and survive but, i want to be there not as a friend.. like a boyfriend."

Dean has feelings for me through everything he wants to make this work 'us'. "I like you too." I smile at him while blushing.

I just finished getting ready for a case. We have to go to this fancy ballroom dance. I tugged at my very short tight red dress. I pulled my curls over my shoulders and walked out of my room. I met the boys in the main room of the bunker. They were both in suits which didn't phase me too much because they are always impersonating the FBI but, every time I see Sam in a suit my knees go weak. Sam turned around in his chair and when he saw me a wave of shock came across his face. His jaw practically dropped to the floor.

I walked past him,"are you okay Sammy?" He tried his best to loosen up.

Dean cracked a smile,"he thinks your hot. He likes you."

Sam turned to dean and gave him a glare.

I laughed,"is that true?"

He shifted in his seat,"maybe we should get going." He smiled and I knew one hundred percent that it was true.


Sam and Dean left to meet up with Jodi Mills. They left Castiel to watch me. Everyone has noticed that I've been slightly depressed because of certain events that have happened so they wanted someone to watch me. I was in the main room with Castiel. Both of us were in different worlds, spaced out. Castiel was twirling his fingers. I was looking at the desk in thought.

My name was being called by Cas," Y/N, Y/N?"

I snapped out of your deep thought,"yeah?"

He sighed,"How are you?"

I shook my head," honestly i don't know."

Cas started to look a bit nervous," Y/N can i tell you something?"

I looked up at him," go ahead." It's rare that he ever shares his feelings. He is always worrying about other people and making sure their okay.

He tapped hiss foot on the ground," i.....well you see i.....i kind of am attracted to you. Not sexually, i don't want to be disrespectful, I mean you are physically attractive but i..."

I finished his sentence for him," you like me?" A sound of hope was in my voice.

He nodded," i mean how could i not. How could someone not like you. I have for quite a while now." The words he said warmed my heart.


The guards dragged me into Crowley's main room. I was dragged in front of his chair. I was standing in the ripped up clothes I had on. I looked around and saw Crowley's mom sitting in one of the couple chairs. She sneered,"well if it isn't the king wrecker." She is mad because Crowley's protected me from being killed by his hell hounds.

Crowley's moved in his chair,"quite mother."

She gasped,"well I'm just telling the truth dear boy."

He started to get mad,"get out. We will talk later." She got up and angrily turned away. She walked out of the room to leave me and Crowley alone.

I pleaded,"please just kill me. I would rather end my life then go through some torture."

Crowley's shook his head,"i won't kill you."

I sighed,"and why is that?"

His loud voice boomed through the room,"because I love you damn it."

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