Kidnapped (Ch 1)

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POV Sonic

I was enjoying the view of the sea until I heard Tails call me, it was about time to leave this relaxing resort, and I was pretty bummed out about it. "SONIC! WE'RE ABOUT TO GO!" I took a picture of the morning sunset and ran to my friends. I got on the cruise and realized I didn't have my phone with me. "Fuck! Guys I forgot my phone! I'll be right back!" Where did it go? It must've fell off when I was running! I ran out to the spot I was before but saw nothing. I finally found my phone and I picked it up. I ran back and saw the speed cruise gone, too far away for me to catch up. "NOOO!!! COME BACK!!" I sighed I received a text from Amy saying that Amy and my friends will come pick me up. NEXT WEEK!? OH NO NO NO!! What will I do here for one week! And without my charger either! Ugh I hate my life. I accepted my misery and ran laps around the big island to decrease my boredom for two hours. Then something caught my eye. A boat from afar was heading to this direction. Oh my chaos! Yippee! I think I'll finally have people to talk to! Maybe they can take me home! I watched as the boat came closer and a hedgehog like me with black fur and red stripes got off. I watched carefully to see if he had any weapons, he looked like a captain. Hm..maybe he was a tourist. I walked to him. "Hello!" He quickly dropped me to the ground he pinned both of my arms to the sand. One of his hands went to my neck and he held it there. He looked pissed off, maybe I scared him. "What the fuck?" I whispered, he picked me up bridal style and it looked like he was walking to his boat. "Hey! What's your problem!? Put me down!" He held me tight to the point my cheeks were squishing. "No. We pirates must not be seen by any." Pirates? Can he drop the act? "What the? Seen by any?..What kind crimes have you done?" I jokingly said nervously, he snarled at me. "Shut up! And stay still!" He looked at me and growled. "No! No I will not! My friends will be coming back for me next week! I have to be here when they do!" He lifted me and called his friend. "Silver! Take him on board! I have a treasure to find." Then this Silver guy carried me. "Yes Captain Shadow!" Captain? Is he an actual pirate? I mean I don't see any children on this boat. Silver made it to the boat and we all watched Shadow look around the island. "I saw the blue streak right here! Where did it go!?" He looked desperate as he was looking at the ground. "OH! The blue streak? Sorry, that was me! Sorry for the mistake, I'm know..super fast!" I spin dashed out of Silvers grasp and ran to the island trying to hide but somehow Shadow tripped my feet and when I fell down he grabbed my wrist. He lifted my chin up with his finger. "You're coming with me." He smirked and grabbed me bridal style again. I quickly grabbed my phone and texted my friends while I was still at the island.




I hope yo ass stay kidnappwd


And you're texting us instead of calling the police?




I put my phone away and tried to move out of his grasp. "Stop moving you blue buffoon!" He hissed and pulled my quills. "Ow! And it's Sonic! SONIC THE HEDGEHOG! How do you expect me not to move when I'm being kidnapped you DINGBAT!" He got on the boat and a red echidna started sailing the boat. He threw me on the wooden floor and he stood over me. "You will give me the answers I'm looking for." He looked at me up and down and laughed. "WHAT ANSWERS!? I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT!" I yelled. "Shut it faker!" He snarled, I stood up and dusted my body from any filth. "What's with the name calling!? I haven't even done anything to you! I'm not even as mean as I look!" He smirked. "Oh please. Darling, you don't look fierce at all. You're just here to give me the answers I need." He caressed my muzzle but I shoved his hand away. "Answers that I don't know! I don't know what you're talking about, I'm just trying to go home, and I'm not gonna help you if I get nothing in return!" He chuckled. Is this guy really making fun of me right now!? "Don't worry, you'll get something in return." He said as he touched my waist. I blushed slightly as his idiotic of a crew laughed. "Ay! Hands off. I'm not into that shit." I removed his hands, I got ready to run until he pinned me to the wall behind me. "Don't get sexual with me, I'll kick your dick." I said fiercely as he laughed AGAIN and touched my cheek. "I'm just playing with you, pretty boy. How about you help me get my answers and you leave with my sweet, dear, friendship." He smiled at me sinisterly and I sighed. "Sure whatever, just promise to take me home." This can't take long right? Him and his minions laughed. "Oh. You're serious. Fine I'll take you to your precious home as soon as I get my answers. Do we have a deal?" He reached his hand out and I did too. "Deal." We shook hands and he walked away to talk to his buddies. I flopped back down to where I was thrown at trying to hide from the sun. I was still extremely bored and tried to sleep. Wait a second, I don't even know what to help with. Ugh whatever I'm sure he'll bring it up. "Hey! Blue boy come here!" I heard a female voice call me. I looked up and saw a white bat with blue eyeshadow. I stood up lazily. "Yes?" She looked at me up and down, geez why is everyone here so judgmental? "What's your name blue boy?" I yawned and my hands flopped. "My name is Sonic. Sonic The Hedgehog, may I know your name?" She smiled. "What a gentleman, these boys treat me like their 'bro', but clearly I'm much more valuable than them. I'm Rouge, the red echidna over there is knuckles, my boyfriend, The hedgehog with white crazy quills is Silver, and then there's Captain Shadow The Hedgehog. He saved us from that island, that's why we admire him so much. He's a nice guy deep down, and he's grown a soft spot for us, and who knows, maybe he'll grow a soft spot for you, pretty boy." She winked and I raised a brow. "Thank you? Also what do you mean by 'saved us' from that island? Is it dangerous?" She sighed. "Not from the island, from mentally insane people on the island, they pointed a knife at us!? And then they started swinging it threatening to kill us for no reason! It was pretty scary." I gasped. "Oh that's horrible." She only nodded. "Well anyway, like I said, Shadow may look like a little meanie, but he's very nice and understanding once he trusts you. We may be pirates but we think just like you." I smiled. I guess I'll consider Rouge a friend by now on. This situation was still so surreal. I just got kidnapped by the nicest kidnappers ever! Hello!? She walked away and I saw Shadow walking towards me now. "Hey pretty boy, what did that bat tell you?" Shadow walked up to me looked me down. He wasn't that much taller than me but it shows he was. "Oh she just said that once you trust someone you become a little sweetheart." I smirked and he snarled, he turned to Rouge and she only smirked. "Come on Shads it's not so hard to admit you have a soft spot." He then growled at me. "What did you just call me?" He avoided eye contact and I smiled. "You don't like it?" He nodded. "Whatever, call me what you want." I smiled and he just looked away. He sighed. "Well I need you to help me figure out how to revive the Chaos Emerald." I looked at him confused. "The..Chaos...Emerald?" I asked. "Two years ago, the Chaos Emerald gave me power, 'Chaos Control', but it's power was drained, for an unknown reason. I don't have it right now, it was washed away from my grasp from a storm that happened a year ago. I must find it! It's very precious to me. It's dearly special to me. Wait why am I telling you this I barely know you!" I smirked. "I'm just too trustable!" He growled. "The word is trustworthy you dumbass!" He smacked the back of my head and smirked. "Ow! Well how do you think I can help?" He leaned onto the gunwale and sighed. "I think the energy you create when you run can regain the emeralds power again, but first, I need to find the emerald." He said. "If you think that would work, sure! But how can I insert my energy into the emerald?" He thought for a second. "I'm not so sure, but I'll figure it out. Enough about me, tell me about you." I smiled. "Uh..okay." My tail wagged, I didn't look at him into detail before, but he's super handsome, like really handsome. The red in his black fur suits him so well, with those sinister looking eyes staring right into mine. "T-There's not much I just run, I love my friends, and brother by choice, Tails. I'm not sure who I am...anyways..will I be sleeping here? Or do you guys have somewhere to stay?" He walked to a table near the edge with a map taped on. I followed and took a look at it. He went behind me and pressed my body against the table with his body. "Well we do have a place to go and rest but we need to head to this cave, we suspect the emerald is here. So for today we will be sleeping on the boat. Don't worry, pretty boy you'll have somewhere nice to rest." I smiled. "Don't worry, I'm not picky I'll sleep anywhere actually, I'm just worried that I'll drown while I'm sleeping, I don't know how to swim." He laughed. "I could teach you." He whispered in my ear. "Y-yeah! T-That would be great!" He walked away to his crew, letting me breath and I stood still letting the cold air surround me again. Why did his words sound so..sensual!? Ugh Sonic get your head out of the gutter! He's your damn kidnapper! I checked my phone, I saw that it was on a decent battery, I think I'm just going to use it to check the time, I mean clearly I have something to entertain myself with. I thought as I watched the pirates roam around their giant boat. It's currently 5:47 pm, meaning the sun is about to set. I rested my hands on the gunwale, and stared into the sky. I miss my friends, but I won't lie, I like being here, it's like some more extra days from my vacation. I stood here until the sun set.

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