The movies

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The main group was at the movies. Max, Lucas, El, Mike, Dustin, and Will. They all ended up choosing to see Back to the Future.

One hour into the movie after eating lots of snacks, they all ended up running out of popcorn and candy. Lucas brought up the fact that he was still hungry because they all hadn't eaten all day from playing dnd. The group all agreed they were hungry too.

All whispering, they had to decide who was going back to get more food. Will mentioned he had to go to the bathroom so, he wasn't an option to get snacks.

After a few not-it rounds, it ended up being Mike that had to go get it. Everybody simultaneously hands Mike some money to reimburse him for their food.

Mike gets up out of his seat, and out the door. He had walked a few feet and ran into Will coming out of the bathroom.

"Hey Will, can you help me carry everybody's snacks" Mike mentioned. Will of course, agrees. As they walk up to the food-court Will realizing he's hungry too, says "shoot, I don't have any money"

Mike says "I got a couple extra bucks I have you covered." As Will makes sure to thank Mike a billion times.

Mike and Will get up to the food-court and start ordering everybody's food. They start to wait a couple minutes for everything to come out, as they chatted about the movie, The worker at the theater calls "Foods ready!!"

As they started grabbing their food, Mikes hand accidentally touches Will's arm. Mike starts to feel flustered. Will turns slightly red on his face. They collectively decide to move on like that never happened.

Mike and Will head back into the theater awkwardly. They settle into their seats, and eat snacks. Around 45 minutes pass and the movie ends. Once the credits start, the group discusses going back to Mike's to play dnd, and everybody agrees.

They all go into the car and talk about how great their movie was on the ride back. They arrive to Mike's house and head straight to the basement.

30 minutes in, Will gets chilly as it's winter and their in a basement. "Where's the blankets" will asks. "Here come with me" Mike exclaimed . Mike had liked Will for years prior. He realized it should be time to tell Will. They both walk upstairs the cabinet in awkward silence.

"Here ya go" Mike said pointing to the blankets. Will thanked Mike as a huge grin appeared on his face. "Will wait-" As he put his arm on Wills shoulder. "I think I might like you , it's totally fine if you don't like me back I just-" Mikes anxious sentence got interrupted by a kiss from Will. As they both pull away a minute later, they hear their friends calling for them. In a rush, they grab the blanket and race downstairs.

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