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As I laid in the ambulance, I remember that I should probably call my parents.
I grab it from my purse, and immediately call my Mom.

"Hey, Mom. our limo kinda had an issue, and we aren't going to the room because I think I broke my shoulder and I'm in an ambulance." I say.
"Oh my gosh!!! Are you ok?!" My mom asked.
"Well, my shoulder really hurts," I say.
"I think we're heading to the hospital by our house." I continue.
"Ok, I'll be there in 10 minutes hun, I love you!"
"Love you!"
I hand up the phone and then I text Ethan. Though his mom took his phone, he still managed to find a way to take it.


Adrianna 7:35 pm: Hey. Don't worry you aren't the only one missing out on prom. I'm about to go to the hospital.

Ethan 7:36 pm : OMG are you ok babe?

Adrianna 7:38 pm: I don't know ):

Ethan 7:38 pm: What hospital? I'll be there. You know I have my ways

Adrianna 7:39 pm : Torrance memorial I think. But I don't want you to get in trouble, Ethan.

Ethan 7:40 pm: it's fine, my Mom won't find out

We arrived at the hospital, and I'm out in a room, where I was greeted by a doctor.
"Hi, I am Dr. Briggs. You're Ms. Garcia, correct?" A doctor with curly brown hair and floral scrubs asked me.
"Yes. I am"
"Well, Ms. Garcia. I was told that you were in an incident and you have hurt your shoulder?" She asks.
I nod.

"Do you think you can move it at all?" She asks.
I try, but I cannot.
I nod.

"Well, we will need to get a few x-rays."

*After the x-rays*

I am placed into another room, where my mother, friends, and Ethan are all waiting for me.

"Thank God you're ok!" My mother exclaims, as she gives me a side hug, as to not hurt my shoulder.

"So... Is it broken?" My Mom asked me.

"We don't know yet." I respond.
"I've never ended up in the hospital for a broken bone, and I get run over by teachers every week." Ethan says  to me.
My Mom stares at him, but I laugh.

"Hey, mom can me and Ethan have a minute?" I ask.
My Mom nods and leaves. Along with the girls behind her.

"Wow even in your deathbed you can't resist me." Ethan jokes.
I giggle.
I smile st Him.
"How did this happen?" Ethan asked.

"Our limo ran something over and I hurt myself. I don't really know how or why it's this bad." I say.

"That sucks, I'm sorry bae."
Ethan kisses me.
Dr.Briggs enters the room, me and Ethan's lips separate.

"Hi.  I'm sorry to interrupt, but visiting hours are over. I see your Mother is here. She may stay overnight with you if she wishes. But only one person may stay overnight with you." She says, walking out

(Sorry if that's wrong, Google says that you can have one guest at a time overnight in some hospital, but if not whoever you chose, I think In some it's immediate family or something)

"Bye." Ethan says, kissing me on the cheek and exiting the room.

My mom enters.

"Hey, honey the girls need rides home. After I take them home, did you want me to come back here?" She asked me.
"Yes." I reply.
My mom nods and leaves.


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