Karl and [NAME] VS Annie and Ginger //PART 2//

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Ginger's now dead body is on the floor, Annie still staring in shock. The both of you were still in front of the dead man, just as the bride aimed her gun at you.

"He's... He's up there? And... You said he was with someone else?" Climber asked, staring at the giant made out of buildings.

"If we're talking about the same people, yes, they're fighting there against a married couple."

"Eh... what's married?" At his question, Eric just stared at him, one side of his monobrows raised. They both perked up hearing a rather loud noise. "W-what was that?"

"A bad sign!" Eric exclaimed.

"I'll go there!" Climber claimed, already on his way. But the mech the blondie controlled grabbed him, a squeaky noise coming out as he did so.

"There's no time for you to climb all the way!" He objected, pulling him back. He then prepared himself to throw him there instead.
"You can survive this, right?" The blondie asked. It took a couple of milliseconds for Climber to understand what he meant, but once he did, his eyes widened.

"WAIT, WAIT!" He let out a scream as he was now sent flying into the air.

Bullets after bullet, Karl avoided each of them, one of the bullets hitting him on the side of his headscarf. You wanted to join the fun, but you felt weird in the head. You then realized you hadn't drank oil since... you lost count when.
You checked your non-existent pockets, your eyes widening at the fact you didn't have any oil left. You looked back up, seeing Karl kick Annie. You sucked it up, deciding to join Karl next to him.

Seconds later, a abnormally pale person dressed in a Climber outfit landed between you and the women.

"Uhhhh..." Climber groaned, slowly opening his eyes. He looked up, to see Karl and... a person he doesn't recognize.

"... Cloth-guy?" Karl called out. Climber immediately gasped, scrambling to get up while falling once. Once he did get up, he readied his pickaxe just incase.

"Deary me, I'm so glad to see you." Karl greeted, seemingly knowing him.

"W-well, I'm not! Mister Jack told me you return to the park immediately." Climber said.

"What type of name is Cloth-guy?" You asked, confused.

"W-wha–NO! I'm The Climber..." He shook his head, Karl just stared in amusement.

"Hm... Either way, I'm sorry, I... We can't go back now. I don't have a choice. You see, this is a fighting competition. We've met several people just to fight and defeat them all. And the energy of this city... you understand me, don't you?" Karl explained.


"That woman tried to kill me too." Karl pointed at the women, Climber looking at that direction. He then turned to you for a second before staring at Karl once again.

"What about... them?" He asked, obviously talking about you. Karl just place his hand on your shoulder.

"They're someone I can truly trust." Climber's drawn on eyes softened bit.

'They must be nice if Karl trusts them...' Climber thought, before hearing a noise that came from behind him. He turned around, seeing the woman aiming a gun at him. He immediately closed his eyes, bracing for impact.

When he looked back, seeing he didn't get flunged on the ground, he saw a dent on your sword. He immediately blocked your attack with his pickaxe.

"You-you liars!" Climber exclaimed, trying his best to restrain.

"Well guess what? You're stinky!" You joked, not taking his words seriously.

"That's rude—WOAH!" Climber yelped, moving away from Karl who wanted to slice his head off before lunging forward, trying to land a hit, mostly avoiding attacks. He once again restrained Arma from even touching him.

Annie was looking at her dead husband, flashbacks teasing her in her head.

          "Why should I trust you?"

         "Because you love me."

          " You know I do."

She closed her eyes, not wanting these somewhat good memories to nag her.

For some reason, you suddenly felt too dizzy to even stand up, your vision glitching. You shook your head, reminding yourself that Karl could be in trouble. Looking up, you saw Climber in a off-guard state, giving you a chance to dash in, pin him down using your sword. You detached your sword, stepping on it as your hand reappears.

The mannequin still tried to get up, but to no avail, he couldn't.
"W-why are you two doing this?" He asked, looking at the both of you.

"What a cliché question... Well you know what they say, Cloth-Guy; "The end justifies the means.,, " Karl quoted. "That's why there's no problem with hating, or killing, or anything. They're means, nothing else."

Annie stared at the pickaxe on the ground, as Climber had dropped it from your attack.

"I just want to be free." He held your hand, "That's not much, is it? And this is my only chance... We can't go back now." Climber's eyebrows just furrowed at his words.

Surprisingly, no one had noticed the robot staring at the scene this whole time.
"Oooh... Shiny lights..."

Two of the competitors, Lilith and Euria,  were possessing robots and such to fight their opponents, the others watching. One of the piece of metal flew up, hitting the grey haired girl on the side of her hat. That caused one of her small companions to have a reaction.

"Mistress!" The bunny looking mummy said, "Neh, that's it!" It said, dashing towards Euria.

"Muum, what are you doing?" The kangaroo that happens to have a mouth on it's stomach yelled.

Upon reaching him, Muum immediately bit his ankle. That caused the green hair to scream.
"AAAUUUGH, IT HURTS! I''ll get rabies and DIIIIIEEE!" He exclaimed, wiggling his feet around.

Jackie felt a flash of energy, immediately raising his only arm. "Everyone... Step....."

"No, not yet!"  The shadow person said.

Suddenly, a circle of spell appeared under Lilith, glowing white. She then let out a huge scream that echoed through the Taitle, other circles glowing.  That caused the giant to turn it's head, growling. That tilted the whole building you were on. Looking at the light source far away, you saw the light growing larger, till it reaches you, blinding you.


You opened your eyes, immediately feeling somewhat different. You looked at your hand, seeing it was back to (S/C Skin color). Looking forward again, you saw Margarine looking down, her hand behind her back.

"Welp, seems like there's a high chance you won't get further from here on." She raised her head to stare at you, "You won't be able to be in the finale..." her hologram started glitching, her form slowly becoming less comprehensive.
"That must hurt, does it? Personally..."

"That's what I call a skill issue."  She smugly smiled at you, almost gone.

"No way you actually said that." You squinted your eyes. "I'm probably going to die right know and your ass is going to say that?" At this point she wasn't even here.

"... Man kill yourself... Oh wait."


As your vision was clear again, you could see Annie, with know a pickaxe in hand, walking towards Karl who was paralyzed. Your eyes widened realizing what she was planning to do.

With last strength you had, you got up, using your Solver to push him away. You smiled at him as you gave him a thumbs up,

Taking the hit instead.

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