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SUA TURNED OUT TO BE much more excited for Iris' hangout ( or date, which is what she kept referring it to as ) than she'd let on because for the rest of the day, even after school ended, she could not stop talking about it, more specifically because she was hellbent on helping Iris get prepped. Whether this meant picking out an outfit, a makeup look and even a hairstyle, Sua was there to help Iris through the whole process.

Iris didn't mind or find her clinginess annoying, she in fact was appreciative for it as that meant it was less of a hassle for her when it came to getting prepped.

Since Iris didn't know Jaeon all that well yet, she decided to just meet up with him at the baseball game, instead of having him pick her up from her house as she wasn't that comfortable with him seeing where she lived just yet. She hitched a ride from Jugyeong and Sua who were also going to the game, seeing as they were going to sit as a group together anyways in the game.

It had been a couple minutes exactly since they had come, and Iris and Jaeon had met up. Though the first couple of minutes were slightly awkward seeing as Iris and Jaeon still didn't know each other all the well, with Sua and occasionally Jugyeongs help, they were able to stir up some conversation, and within just a couple minutes, Iris and Jaeon had warmed up to one another.

"So what'd you tell your boyfriend?" Jaeon asked Sua, who was currently waving her props she had purchased for the game as soon as they had arrived, like an excited child, as she had mentioned to the group earlier that she had come without telling him about her proper whereabouts.

Sua grinned, "That it's my nanas 80th birthday–" she explained as she chuckled at the thought of her boyfriend buying the lie. However, he thoughts were interrupted by the sound of someone clearing their throat.

"–I wish you the best health, ma'am!" as if on instinct, the group of four whipped their heads to see Taehoon staring at Sua with a betrayed look. Alongside him stood Suho. However, unlike everyone else, he wasn't paying attention to the little quarrel Sua and Taehoon were having, he was busy looking at Iris, and occasionally at Jaeon who was situated next to her, with a look Iris couldn't quite register or understand.

She however, tried avoiding his gaze and ignored the butterflys currently roaming inside her stomach. She continued making small conversation with Jaeon, who was either oblivious to the tension around him, or was pretending like he didn't notice to not make Iris further uncomfortable.

After Sua and Taehoons little fight came to an end, Taehoon finally looked over to where his friend was looking at, and that's when he took notice of Jaeon, "Who's your friend, Iris?" he asked with his mouth still full of the chicken wings he had stolen from Sua.

This time all the attention fell on Iris and Jaeon. Taehoon stared at the only other boy present with curiosity on his relationship with Iris, whilst Jugyeong continued to stare at Suho like she had since he had arrived as she couldn't help herself. Sua on the other hand had a small smile as she watched Suho glare at Jaeon, clearly feeling threatened by him. Oh how the tables had turned.

After Iris had introduced Jaeon and Taehoon to one another, Taehoon couldn't help but ask the one question on his mind, "Are you guys on a date, or something?" he asked bluntly.

Iris' eyes widened, "No!–" she defended as her eyes met Suhos. However, she quickly composed herself when she realized how that must have sounded to poor Jaeon, who was still next to her, "I mean, we're just hanging out. Jaeon had an extra ticket, so he let me tag along." she said before tearing her gaze to Jaeon, and shooting him a soft smile, to which he returned with a warm one.

After that the group fell into awkward silence for a couple of moments, unsure of what to say or do next. But Taehoon broke it by pulling out a huge bag of what seemed to be of snacks from behind him. 

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