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"This day probably won't be interesting." Mona whined as the bell rung.

Everyone got into their seats

"Class, we have a new student joining us. Sir, please introduce," The teacher announced.

"Nevermind then.." Mona mumbled

"Erm..Hello. My name is Scaramouche.." The new student said.

"Thank you, you may sit next to Mona. Please raise your hand, Mona so he knows who you are."

Mona rolls eyes and raises hand

"Scaramouche, sit in that empty seat next to Mona."

He walks over and sits next to Mona and looks at her for a hot second

Mona looks at him and tilt my head basically saying 'what?'

Scaramouche blushes slightly and shook his head and turns back to the board

Uh, what was that? Why did he look at me?? Im so confused.. Mona thought


Finally!! Mona thought and rushed out of class til she felt something hit her and fell but...

"You good, idoit? You literally almost fell." Scaramouche asked

Mona opens one eye and see he caught me. She immediately stand up and blush,

"Y-yep! I'm completely fine..ALSO, don't call me idoit"

Mona pouts sarcastically

"You should be grateful I caught you either your clumsy ass." He reminded

"Oh yeahh, I wish I would've fell, it's better than you catching me."

Mona says as a cross my arms and look away

"And break a limb? Oh yeah TOTALLY BET-"



I know its not much but it's literally 11:32pm right now. Sorry 😣 BUT ANYWAY,
words: 240 (not including this)

The love of my life // ScaraMona! // HIGH SCHOOL AUWhere stories live. Discover now