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"Mom where are we going" Gavi says from the back seat while looking at her through the mirror

"Ya and why did we take the big car today" Pedri says while on his phone

"Well my kids we are going to pick up some of my friends from the airport" She says while looking at them through the mirror then looking back on the road

"Which one of us went somewhere" Gavi asked while still looking at her

"No Gavi my friends from scream remember"

"Oh wait is Jack, and Mason gonna be there"

"Yes there gonna be there"

"Wait who are Jack and Mason" Jude asked looking at the girl who was on the left of him

"Mason is my other dinosaur of a friend just like Raphinha" she says while looking a Jude

"You act like Raphinha is so old, he's only 25" Pedri says while moving forward so his head was next to her and Jude

"Where's Jobe" she asked since he hasn't talk in a while

"Oh he's been asleep this whole car ride" Gavi says while rolling down his window

"That's why it's so quiet huh" Jude says while grabbing the girls hand so he could hold it

"Ok Jude your freaking passenger princess play music" Pedri yells dramatically

"Ya come on Jude you suck at being passenger princess" Jobe says while sitting up straight

"When the actual fuck did you wake up" Athena says looking terrified

"You guys are loud so I woke up" He says looking half dead

"Dude you look like that guy from twilight" Pedri says looking at Jobe

"I'm Black you got to remember that" Jobe says looking at them with a serious face

"Uh I-" Pedri says looking at him shocked

Jude, Jobe, Gavi, and Athena all burst into laughter. "Jobe that's evil you can't do that to him" Jude says while turning around to look at his little brother

"Ok enough kids we are almost there" she says pulling into the airport

"Dude I fucking hate the airport" she yells

"Athena calm down, remember zen" Jobe says

"How can I be fucking zen when I have 4 famous people in this car" she says while looking at all of them

"Babe did you um forget that your famous too" Pedri says looking at her like she was dumb

"Shut up and help me look for them" she says looking at them

"Athena there right there" Jude says pointing at the corner there at

"Bro no fucking way is that who I think it is" she says while rolling down the window while talking to them

"Um sorry no fans please" Mason says looking at her

"Mason get in the fucking car I swear imma run you over" she yells at him

(𝐃𝐈𝐒𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐔𝐄𝐃) 𝐑𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 𝐂𝐇𝐎𝐈𝐂𝐄, Jude BellinghamWhere stories live. Discover now