"It's For your own good" - Embry Call.

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Numaya Hala is a 17 year old girl. She has grown up as a member of the Quileute tribe, the only thing is, Numaya has no idea of it.

But when the time comes, Numaya's fate will be shown all too quickly.

In the beginning, Numaya will consider herself the luckiest girl in the world. A pack who are like family, and much more. But a twist of events could jeopardize it all.


The dark circles under my eyes have begun to worry me. As I looked into my dresser mirror, They were all I saw. Lately, I had been getting alot of sleep, but still haven't had enough sleep, oddly enough. Mum and Dad don't understand it either. Capree, our maid, thinks, "It's a phase. All 16 year old teenage girls will go through it. Nothing special. Nothing horrible" In her exact words.

"Bus is here, Maya" Mom called from inside the kitchen.

"Coming" I muttered, I realise my voice was so quiet it would barely have even reached my bedroom door. I was too engrosed in my reflection to speak up any louder. I continued to stare at the black tea-bags underneath my eyes, before jumping up with my school bag.

Mom greeted me at the front door with an apple, I frowned but took it anyways. Lately, as well as being extremely tired, I've become extremely hunngry and I don't think one apple is going to fufill my stomach.

The bus is the same, as every other day. Full of rowdy teenagers. Nerds in the front. Semi-Nerds just behind them. Average social ranking people in the middle and finally, the jocks, cheerleaders and just the generally popular people sat at the back.

I smiled at one of the 'nerds' who I had become increasingly close to over the last few months and then proceeded to my seat at the very back of the bu


"Maya, why do you insist on smiling at every nerd you meet" My boyfriend, Jet scoffed as he snaked his arm around my waist.

"First of all, it was only one person, and secondly he's not the nerd you make him out to be" By now, my interest in any of Jet's opinions were.. well no interest at all.

I manouvered out of Jet's grip and stared out the window.

"ALRIGHT LOSERS. WE'RE OFF FIRST!" One of Jet's desciples yelled as the bus came to a halt in the school parking lot.

The popular's all glided off the bus - well apart for myself and my bestfriend, Kim.

Then the average-ranked people followed and then the nerds.

What was really sad is that, Embry, and his friend Jared were always very last off the bus. Not by choice I might add.

"Hey kiddo" I ruffled Embry's hair at the top while wrapping an arm around his shoulders.

""H-hi Nu-n-numay-ya" he stuttered as we hopped off the bus with Kim & Jared hanging shortly behind.

I chuckled.

"Embry, why do you always stutter when you talk to me?" I questioned.

He shrugged but no sound came out of his mouth.

I turned around to Kim and Jared to see him playing around with her hand a little bit.

I nudged Embry and he looked to, although he looked upset.

"Poor guy." He murmered "He's got no chance with one of the most popular girls in school."

I cocked my head to the left and tsk'd.

"Who says he doesn't? That's so stereotypical Embry." I hissed.

He threw his hands up in defence mode, "I'm just saying! I mean, would you go out with Jared?"

We had reached the lockers inside the main hall by now and we had recieved stares, as always. But our care level was Zero. Zinch. Nada. Nope. None. at all.

I shrugged,

"Probaly not" A look formed on his face that said,

'see. I told you so'

I half smirked, and whispered in his ear.

"I'd date you though" I pulled back and noticed his face had become a dark crimson red.

I winked.

I turned my back for a minute, then out of the blue a big loud bang sort of noise errupted through the halls.

I spun around to see Embry lying on the ground with a balled up first, clutching to his stomach.

Jet and his mates stood infront of him, with a look of amusement on their faces.

"Stay away from my girl, Embryo" He teased.

Embry threw me a look, which made me cringe, he looked so hurt.

I sauntered up to Jet and slapped him hard against his face.

As I turned to rush to Embry's aid, I was pulled back as Jet yanked my hair.

"Stay here."

I looked to Embry and noticed he was beginning to shake.

I looked to Jared for explanation but he too was shaking.

Embry stood up, tearing his glasses from his face. For the first time, Jet looked scared, only for a split second.

Embry let out a noise that sounded like a.. A growl ? And in a flash, Sam and Paul were by Embry and Jared's side in a flash.

"Turn around" Sam instructed the nearly 3 quaters of LaPush high's student body. Nobody ever dared bisobey Sam or Paul. They were literally like hall monitors on steroids.

Everybody began to scurry away quickly. Including Jet and his desciples.

My eyes never left Embry's as he was escorted away from the school building.

I was filled with worry and regret.

"Come on, Numaya" Kim urged. "We're going to be late.

I didn't even realise the bell had rung, but I followed Kim anyways.

I could tell she was worried about Jared just as much as I was for Embry. This was going to be a looooong day.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2013 ⏰

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