Earth's Runaway

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After his argument with Venus & Mars, Earth was now wondering what to do since the two dead planets are refusing to talk to him, his moon is currently with other moons & Mercury is busy with Sun's well- "Sun Puns".

Earth: *sighs* Great, just great. Now my earthlings won't have any waves again. What should I do?

Earth thought hard & hard, he was one of the smartest terrestrial planets in the Solar System surely he could think of something.

Meanwhile in the Asteroid Belt, Moon, Titan, Ganymede, IO, Callisto, Phobos, Deimos & Europa were devising a plan to destroy the Earth. Phobos & Deimos were just their for the fun but Moon was worried as he didn't want to destroy his best friend.
Ganymede & Europa were smirking evilly as Titan wrote down the plan to drag Earth out of his orbit & into interstellar space, making him a Rogue Planet.

Back to Earth, he thought of apologizing to them but at their current mood, Venus & Mars would definitely snap at him so since they're facing away from him, he got the idea that he wasn't wanted hear.

Earth: Well I guess it's time to say goodbye to the Terrestrial Planets, Jovian Planets & Dwarf Planets.

As he said that, the now blue mess known as Earth slowly left his orbit, passed Venus & Mars and into the domain of the gas giants. Jupiter & Saturn were too big to notice but Uranus did. The ringed ice giant called out to the now slightly frozen terrestrial.

Uranus: Oi Earth, what're you doin- out here out ya orbit?

Earth: I'm leaving the Solar System for good Uranus. If anyone asks where I am, don't answer.

Uranus was confused yet saddened by Earth's choice to leave their Solar System but respected the devision of the little blue planet.

Uranus: Alright Earth, take care mate. I'll miss ya

Earth: Thank you, Uranus. You're a good friend.

After their last conveesation for now, Earth passed Neptune's orbit & finally arrived at the Kuiper Belt where Pluto & the other Dwarf Planets noticed Earth's sad look.

MakeMake: What's wrong with him? He looks more blue then his own oceans.

Eris: Maybe it has something to do with the other planets.

Pluto: Only was we vould know is if we ask them.

Back in the Solar System, Venus & Mars would sigh & look at each other.

Venus: I'm sorry Mars for hitting you with that asteroid, I was just new to the game & willing to learn the basics.

Mars: It's okay man, I'm sorry for shouting at ya. I just had enough of Earth y'know?

Venus: Yea. Speaking of which, where is he?

Mars: I'm sure that bastard's in his orbit.

Venus & Mars turn around to find Earth not in his orbit.

Mars: He's not in his orbit. Maybe Mercury know where he is.

Venus: Nah he doesn't, he's been with Sun all day.

Mars: We need to find Earth & fast.

Will Mars & Venus find Earth alone, or will they need assistance fr9m everyone? Stay tuned to find out✨️

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2023 ⏰

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SolarBalls AU : Earth Runs AwayWhere stories live. Discover now