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OFCOURSE IRIS HAD TO FALL sick right before they were going to get their exams back, which was also one of the most important days of the school year. She didn't know how it had happened. One moment she was getting ready to tuck herself into bed, after completing all her night routine to get a good nights sleep for the coming day, and the next she's suddenly awake  at five in the morning, in unbearable pain, feeling chills everywhere, as she's running to the bathroom to let out all the food she had eaten just a couple hours prior.

Iris wasn't sure how she had caught a flu when she had felt perfectly fine just a couple hours before. But all she knew was that as the morning progressed, she did not seem to feel any better. Seeing that she couldn't even properly stand without getting a massive headache or chills, Iris and her mom deemed it best that if she stayed home for the rest of the day, for her own sake and others as well.

Iris was disappointed in the least as she had been thrilled to see the score she had gotten on her exams as she had worked hard on preparing for them beforehand, but there wasn't much she could really do anyways as she needed rest if she wanted to feel better. So that's what she did.

Throughout most of the day, Iris slept in her room, with the exception of taking medication and chomping down whatever food she could here and there to allow the effects of the medication settle in. About a quarter into the day, she found herself settled downstairs on the couch in her living room, catching up on one of her shows as she had grown sick of staying in her room all day, just staring at the blank walls, when she heard the doorbell ring. When nobody went to answer it, it rung once again. 

Iris sighed as she turned towards the kitchen to call out to her mom, "Mom! Someone's at the-" however, she stopped momentarily after realizing that her mom had went to the grocery store to buy a couple of essentials, meaning that she was home alone.

Great. Iris thought as she slowly emerged from her comfy spot on the couch. She wrapped her cardigan around her in hopes of soothing the chills she was getting as she made her way to the front door.

Iris didn't know who she expected to be behind the door. But she definitely didn't expect a worried Suho standing on the other end of the door upon answering it. "Suho? What're you doing here?" Iris asked in confusion, wondering if she was hallucinating things or something.

Suho smiled as he held up a carton with some sort of substance in his hand to show the girl, "I brought soup." he declared.

Nope. Definitely not hallucinating at all.

Iris was stunned, not just because Suho was at her front door, randomly unannounced, but also because he had brought her soup. How did he even know she was sick?

Iris didn't want to be impolite seeing that Suho had come all this way to her house to drop off soup, so she opened the door wider for him to come through, "Come in I guess." she ushered, and the Lee boy nodded as he followed behind her, making sure to take his shoes off before entering.

"Naelea told me you weren't feeling well, since you didn't come for the exam review." he explained answering Iris' question from earlier as though he had read her mind or something.

Iris nodded as she slowly edged back towards the couch she was previously on as she felt her legs begin to give out, "Yeah. I think I caught a flu or something."

Suho nodded, "Well I brought some soup. I heard it's the best when it comes to healing any colds." he stated as he put the soup on the table before them. He then took his bag out and began to take a pile of paper out, "I also brought some homework." he added.

Iris smiled, grateful that the boy had went to such an extent for her when he didn't have to, "Thanks." she said as she leaned against the cushions of the couch and slowly closed her eyes, "You can just leave it there. I'll eat it in a bit."

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