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AS MUCH AS IRIS DIDN'T want to admit it, she was excited for her and Suhos upcoming hangout. Not just because they were going to go watch a movie she had been waiting for as long as she could remember to watch, but also because she was going with Suho. It felt like things were finally starting to go back to how they used to be between the two of them, before things got so complicated and messy, before Jugyeong came into the picture.

When it was just the two of them, together.

Her happy behavior all week didn't go unnoticed by her friends, who she was still yet to tell about her and Suhos hangout/almost-date, as well as their almost-kiss from a couple days earlier. It was hard finding the time to tell them of it when they were just alone, as she didn't want anyone from the school finding out and having an excuse to spread gossip.

But getting some time alone, outside of school and away from her nosey classmates was harder said than done, seeing as these days Iris could barely find time to herself apart from studying. Which's why she somehow found herself filling only Naelea in on all the gossip she'd been withholding from her, during a random stop by the mall after school on a Wednesday afternoon.

You see, Iris had been on her way there as she needed to buy a couple of things, including an outfit for her and Suhos hangout. Naelea had heard of the brunettes plans and decided to tag along seeing that she didn't have anything better to do. Soojin and Sua would've came as well if they didn't have their mandatory afterschool tutor session. Jugyeong on the other hand was unresponsive to the girls invitations and seemed to be busy with a different set of plans, so that's how it ended up being just Iris and Naelea.

The two didn't mind though as they had been best friends for the longest time. Which meant that being in each other's company didn't bring any instances where either of them felt awkward or uncomfortable. Even now, as they walked around. Naelea began making a few comments that Iris was sure she would've felt uncomfortable had anybody else made them.

"He totally has a thing for you." Naelea gushed as her and Iris slowly exited a store to make their way towards another one.

Iris had just finished explaining to her about everything, including Suhos little proposal from a couple days ago, and it's safe to say that her opinion on the Lee boy had immensely changed from in comparison to before.

Iris felt heat begin to creep on her cheeks at the comment. "No he doesn't." she disagreed. She knew that wasn't true and that there wasn't a point in getting her hopes up.

Naelea however frowned, "Uhm, yes he does. Why else would he ask you out on a date, which by the way are you excited for?" she asked as she teasingly elbowed Iris who tried fighting the blush on her face.

"Lea I told you, it's not a date." Iris muttered, now wondering who she was trying to convince of that fact.

Naelea wanted to argue with Iris on that fact and prove to her how very wrong she was. However instead, she decided to just drop it for the mean time. There was loads of time for teasing later.

"Sure. Whatever you say." Naelea said before grinning at the Kim girl, "But are you excited though?"

"Don't be ridiculous.", Iris chuckled at the girls words as she began looking through the different clothing's on the racks, putting away almost all of them instantly as they didn't correlate with what she was looking for, before flashing the girl an identical grin,

"Ofcourse I am."

The two girls laughed before continuing on with their shopping. Iris searched for pretty much anything that she thought would look good on her, but so far it seemed almost impossible to find anything. Naelea assisted her through most of the process and even gave her opinion on some of the clothes that peaked Iris' interest, whilst teasing the girl every now and then.

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