It Started With a Dream - chapter 1

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Chapter 1: dreams

It started with a dream. It was a reoccurring dream that always left me waking in a cold sweat. When I closed my eyes I would start to fall, down into the pits of darkness. I’m then abruptly stopped by what could only be described as a dead mans noose. I feel the breath leave me and experience death. Then the world changes to a barren land with three large suns, a world that is painted in shades of black and gray. Then the noose snaps and I begin to fall again having awareness yet no felling, like a conscious dead man. Then I hit the ground. Hard.

          After I fall I get back up and begin to wonder this strange gray world as if in a trance. After what fells like hours of wandering, and telling myself to wake up, I always come to a river of pure darkness. On the other side someone in white clothes is laying on the ground, sometimes crying, other times screaming in agony. Tonight they where screaming. I step forward to help them but just before my foot touches the river I’m overcome by a flash of blood red light and wake up, clothes and sheets wet from perspiration. “It’s just a dream” I whisper to myself. “Go back to sleep, Luce. It’s just a dream”. But I never do.

*  *  *

“Morning sweetie did mummy’s little angel sleep well?” my mum asked in a cutesy voice as I started down the stairs.

“Mum! I’m fifteen.” I replied sighing

“Not until next week, but even then you’re still my little angel” she retorted.

“Phil?” I turned to mums boyfriend to help me out of this conversation.

“Luce, do what your mummy tells you sweetie” said Phil, not helping me at all. There is no way I’ll ever be that obnoxious when I grow up. My watch beeps telling me that its eight o’clock and I am going to be late for the first day of term 4. I really hate the school uniform girls have to wear a knee length navy blue skirt, white dress shirt, a tie, shinny black shoes and knee high socks. Give a kid some freedom is what I say.

*  *  *

I’m close to the river of darkness. I can hear muffled tears, worse then normal. I’m at the rivers edge now and decide to take a new approach to dealing with the dream: talking to the person. “Hello?” I call out, unsure of what to expect. They look up and I see their face for the first time. It’s a boy, about fifteen or sixteen, gray eyes and hair as white as his clothes; his skin is as pale as the purest snow except for the tear stains running down his face. It was instantly obvious he did not belong in this dark world. He gave me a look of pure fear witch soon changed to one of despair. “I’m coming!” I called out “Just hold o…” the red light started to appear “Luce…” called a voice from somewhere

“NO!” I yelled, trying, for once, to stay asleep. My eyes flung open and, to my horror, I was looking straight into the bloodshot eyes of Mr Damond, my math’s teacher. I had fallen asleep at school! “Enjoy your nap Luce?” he asked.

“Sorry Mr Demon” I muttered and had to listen to the entire class laugh before I realized why Mr Damond’s face had turned red. I had called him by his popular nickname Mr Demon instead of Mr Damond. My face turned red and I sunk lower into my seat wishing for a miracle. I looked around the class, half of it was texting, while the other was staring at me and laughing or muttering “I can’t believe she said that” and “You go girl.” Mr Damond was fuming and I was expecting a massive lecture when my miracle came. The bell for next period went. I was going to survive until forth period on Wednesday.

          Unknown to me at the time was that Mr Ten, my science teacher, was going to be away for all of this term and that Mr Damond was going to be the substitute. And I happened to have science after math. I entered the science room, took my usual seat in the back row only to have “Principles office, NOW!” yelled back at me. I trudged out the class, not needing to see who had yelled it, and felt like a condemned man walking to his death.

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