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"Yes sir, how are you doing?" Y/n said with a soft smile on her face. Looking into his eyes, curiously about what he had to say to you.

"I'm fine. Your test results were impressive I have to say." Price says taking a drag of his cigar, leaning back into his chair with his arms crossed.

"Oh thank you so much, I appreciate it deeply.!" Y/n said with excitement.

Y/n had been working hard to become part of the military after her parents had never returned after a mission. She wanted to be like her parents, fight for people, get rid of the bad, even if it meant death.

Price then offered y/n a seat

"I reviewed everything" he sat up and fixed his posture. He slid a clipboard towards y/n. "These men are the members of TF141, they will be your teammates." He blows out smoke from his cigar.

"Looks like a tough set." She said with a smile.
She picked up the pen and started to sign some papers to be part of this team.
"Finished sir." She then got up and handed him the clipboard. "Thank you for this opportunity, I know I won't let you down."

"You won't. Go pack your things." Price then dismissed her out of the room to go pack her things.

Y/n walks out of the room to go to her room.
"Let's go!" She shouted, alarming her best friend, Ivan.

"You're cheerful." He said
"Wow, you really connected the dots on that." She said sarcastically, giggling
"Soo, what was the news?"
"Guess what! I'm part of the team!" She
jumped in joy

"Oh.. Nice." Ivan said quietly
'What, is he not happy for me'  Y/n thought and slightly frowned
"Well, I'll visit." She grabbed a duffel bag and started to pack all of her clothes in it

"What about everything here? You're just going to leave it?"
She continued to pack to not waste time
"It's not like I'm never going to see you again, trust me Ivan, I'm not going to never come back." She smiled at him
"Mhm." He mumbled

"Well, I'm all packed." She walked over to Ivan and hugged him.
"I'm gonna miss you Ivan. I'll send letters to you okay!"
"Don't die on me" He smiled
"Whatt! I'm so skilled you know I would neverrr!" She said sarcastically
"Bye Ivan, Love ya!"
He frowned "see ya."
She walked out of the room and dragged her duffel bag out of the room and the carried it on her back
She got eight of Price
"All packed?"
"Yes sir."
Price then walked over to her and grabbed it off her shoulders and put it in the truck. She was surprised at his kind gesture but said nothing and got into the car.

She sat in the back on the right side while Price was in the drivers seat. She shifted nervously as the silent made it awkward.

"So tell me, who else is on this Force?" She broke the silent

Price started up the car and then started to drive
"Well, we have a couple of people. First off we have Soap. Then we have Gaz, then Ghost, and finally König."

"What are they like?"

Price blows out some smoke. "Soap is a childish shit, we call him the child of the group."

Y/n giggled and thought about her new team.

"Gaz doesn't have much to him really."
"Ghost is a silent guy, won't get much from him, wears this skull mask thing."
"And König is our sniper, pretty silent as well." Price said as he drove

"Sounds like a handful." She smirked
"Sure is."

The rest of the car ride was pretty silent, Y/n looked out the window most of the time until Price stopped.

"We're here."

Y/n became aware of their surroundings and opened the car door walking to the back of the truck and opening up the trunk and grabbing her duffle bag.

"Let me get that" Price grabbed it out of her hands and lead her inside

"Oh thank you."

As soon as they got into the building she felt eyes on her. Price then lead you to a room and opened the door, allowing you to walk in first.
"Wow. Not a bad room huh?"

"I'd like to think it's pretty good" price

The room had two bed, both twin beds. It had a desk, night stand and two closets.
She had locked eyes with a muscular man that was on one of the beds. He was wearing a skull mask and was just staring y/n down

'That must be ghost then huh'

Price set the duffel bag down on one bed and patted her on her back
"Thank you sir."
Price then walked out of the room
"So, are you Ghost?" She tried to start a conversation
He didn't respond, just stared at her
"You gonna answer or just stare." She awkwardly smiled while unpacking all of her items.
"Who are you?" She heard a low voice mutter
"Y/n. I'm the new recruit."
She then heard a couple set of foot steps coming towards the room and here came 2 men in the room.
One was a dark skin male and the other was one with a Mohawk
The one with the Mohawk reached out his hand for a handshake
"Nice to meet you, Y/n"
The dark skin one did the same
She then looked back at ghost, feeling his eyes not leave her.
"What is his problem.?" She looked at Gaz and Soap
"Oh Ghost? Ha that guy is like a brick wall man" Soap laughed
"Shut it Johnny." Ghost muttered
She then heard another set of foot steps and looked towards the doorway
She saw a tall dark figure that was taller than the doorframe, he ducked down to get in the room, he walked in silently.

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