Chapter 40

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Me, publishing more than once in a week? Unheard of. 

I just want to say thank you so much to everyone reading this, in this past few days writing this part I have gotten 20+ notifications a day from people starting from the beginning and voting on every chapter and it does add much serotonin to my day <3

Ao'nung POV

After talking to Lo'ak, Ao'nung thought he would go check on Neteyam, and see how he was handling. After 10 minutes of searching, Ao'nung found him dismounting his ilu in the shallows of the reef. He deliberately ignored the warm flush rising up his neck and across his face when he saw Neteyam tense his thighs to bring the ilu to a sudden stop, splashing some other kids their age with water. Neteyam grinned slightly, waving nonchalantly at the now soaking group.  

Happy with this show of carelessness, Ao'nung hoped Neteyam wasn't so hung up on Lo'ak anymore. Walking over, Ao'nung willed away the blush that was definitely splashed across his face currently. Neteyam saw him and leaped off his ilu and ran over. Ao'nung readied himself to absorb the collision when Neteyam jumped at him, arms wide. He caught his boyfriend and spun around, feeling a little silly but happy regardless. Ignoring the few kids watching who were giggling and acknowledging some of the smiling Elders, Ao'nung held Neteyam's head in his hands. Neteyam smiled, and Ao'nung thought that he looked as if he was staring at a particularly cheeky toddler. Deciding a few onlookers were of little consequence, Ao'nung brought his face down and met Neteyam's lips with his. Quick and sweet, they kissed before walking together towards the corner of rock in the cliff where they once fell asleep together. 

"So, how are you feeling?" Ao'nung asked, once they had stopped walking. His hand was still holding Neteyam's, his boyfriend's slender fingers intertwining with his. Neteyam looked sideways at him, through some dangling braids in front of his eyes. He sighed.

"Lo'ak still ignores me," Neteyam mumbled, looking to the ground. Ao'nung sighed as well. He hoped that his talk with Lo'ak and his very obvious hint to apologise would assist them in making up soon. Ao'nung joined his hands behind Neteyam's back, pulling their hips together. Neteyam gasped softly, eyes lifting slowly back up to Ao'nung's, looking politely surprised. Ao'nung touched his forehead to Neteyam's, closing his eyes. 

"Well he's missing out then, isn't he?" Ao'nung whispered. Neteyam giggled quietly.

"He walked up behind me this morning," Neteyam told him, shrugging.

"Oh?" Ao'nung was confused; that was before he had said anything to Lo'ak. Maybe the idiot had a bit more emotion than he had thought. Neteyam's face seemed to lighten up the littlest bit

"Yeah! Well, he didn't say anything, but he didn't look at me like.. that," Neteyam told him, shrugging. Ao'nung nodded, now leaning back slightly to look at Neteyam. Still holding his waist, Ao'nung smiled.

"Well, perhaps the skxawng realises he's being an idiot and- sorry."

"No, it's fine," Neteyam shook his head. 

"No, its not. He's your brother, I can't talk about him like that." 

"I guess-"

"No. I shouldn't have, I'll do better. Promise." Ao'nung let go of Neteyam's waist to hold his hands. Neteyam smiled, nodding in thanks. "Anyway, do you think he is warming back up to you?" 

"That's what I hope for, but it may take a while," Neteyam sighed. Ao'nung nodded. 

"It is normal, but I don't believe for a second he could be mad at you for much longer." Ao'nung grinned. "After all, who could resist that face?" Ao'nung's hand rested on Neteyam's face, thumb grazing his cheekbone. 

"Well, I doubt my brother notices my face like you do," Neteyam replied, raising his eyebrows and giggling slightly. Ao'nung warmed at the sound. "Thank you, for dealing with me and my emotions. I know it hasn't been fun, and I haven't been reasonable." 

"I could deal with you every day, as long as you keep coming to me with your problems," Ao'nung assured him. Neteyam smiled with squinted eyes, as the sun was cresting the cliff above them. 

"I'll make sure to bother you with every issue I have," Neteyam tapped his nose with the last four words. Ao'nung nodded. 

"Sit with me?" Ao'nung asked, motioning to the sand behind them.  Neteyam smiled and nodded shyly. He waited for Ao'nung to sit first, and then, instead of sitting next to him, Neteyam sat in front of Ao'nung. Before he could say anything, Ao'nung found Neteyam's head in his lap, eyes open in the shade from Ao'nung blocking the sun. His boyfriend's hair tickled his legs as it spread out under Neteyam's head, and he blushed, grinning down at him. "That works too, I guess," Ao'nung said, running his fingers through Neteyam's hair. 

"The sun always makes me so sleepy," mused Neteyam softly as he inhaled deeply. 

"Sleep then, Tey, I'll be here when you wake up." 

Neteyam's breathing was quiet, and eventually flattened into a steady rhythm; he had fallen asleep.  Ao'nung leaned back on the heels of his hands, closing his eyes to breathe in the salty air and listen to the tinkling of waves filling the rock pools. 

Neteyam POV

His eyes blinked against the sun that was now blazing on his face. When he closed his eyes, the sun caused him to see red. Inhaling deeply and stretching, he squinted up and saw his boyfriend leaning against the rock face behind them. Ao'nung must have scooted them back while he was sleeping. Now Ao'nung appeared to be asleep as well, chest rising slowly. Neteyam slowly opened his eyes wider, against the brightness of the sun. As he sat up a bit, Ao'nung sniffed and opened his eyes, immediately closing them against the sun. Neteyam giggled at the discomforted scrunch of Ao'nung's nose. 

"Rise and shine dude." Neteyam grinned at his boyfriend, who was now squinting down at him. 

"Dude? Wow, did I kiss someone else while I was asleep?" Ao'nung asked, sitting up properly. Neteyam rolled his eyes.

"Just because I cant come up with romantic nicknames all the time!"  Neteyam protested.

"No I like it, maybe I'll make my way up to 'bro' one of these days." Ao'nung grinned, eyes open properly now. Neteyam pouted and rolled over, now sitting on Ao'nung's lap, knees either side of his boyfriend's waist. 

"Maybe," Neteyam whispered, tapping Ao'nung's nose, smirking at the flinch Ao'nung gave him in return. 

"But you will stay as my perfect little soldier." Ao'nung made eye contact with him, whispering as well. Neteyam pouted again. 

"Soldier, really? You sound like my mother." He attempted a frown but was interrupted by Ao'nung kissing him quickly and then grinning with a small blush.

"Well at least you're not my 'dude'," he teased. Neteyam rolled his eyes. He leaned forward, resting his ear on Ao'nung's chest, legs in between Ao'nung's. He grinned to himself as he felt something digging into his hipbone, and shuffled his hips a little more. Ao'nung grunted but didn't say anything, and kissed the top of Neteyam's head. 

"We have to get up eventually," Ao'nung reminded him.

"Eventually," Neteyam agreed, not closing his eyes this time. Instead he lay there, feeling the rise and fall of Ao'nung's chest. His boyfriend had brough his arms around to hold Neteyam closer to him. 

Lo'ak seemed to be a much smaller problem in Neteyam's mind now. 

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