Morpheus: memoria de veritas

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"Come on, Manfred, you have to see this". Montgomery knew he was dreaming, of a memory long forgotten hidden under dust shoved far away in his brain.

"Monty, what are you doing? And stop pulling me-". He looked younger... maybe the age of 20? They ran through the old estate of the old Austrian Empress Sisi of Bavaria who had passed away 24 years earlier and now the castle was visitable to the public. Montgomery stopped as he entered the beautiful garden and Manfred also stopped and looked around.

Beautiful statues lined the garden and the grass was sheep-cropped and fresh and luscious green. Exotic palm trees lined the path and in the middle of the garden stood a grande marble statue of Achilles... 16-year-old Montgomery Armstrong smiled softly as he saw Manfred's reaction...

They walked the garden, past the statues of Greek deities and heroes and Montgomery told a short story about every statue they passed... and Manfred simply listened, he was more interested in the flora and fauna of the garden but still found it delightful to listen to Montgomery talk about Greek mythology. They sat together in the garden by the statue of Achilles. Looking on at the beautiful bird's eye panorama view they got of Corfu...

Manfred looked up at the large palm trees. "Wait are these uh-... Kokosnussbäume?" He asked looking at the trees... Montgomery chuckled...

"What? A koko- what?" He asked Manfred... Montgomery was laying down in the grass while Manfred sat up... "oh you know-... a Kokosnussbäume-... come on Monty, you know what I mean-". He said looking down at Montgomery who just looked at him confused, he started laughing softly.

"I really don't- do you mean palm trees?" He asked but Manfred shook his head and said: "nein-... not palm trees... Kokosnussbäume, you know with the uh- kokosnüsse". Montgomery laughed as he thought about whatever it could mean.

Finally, something clicked... "Oh! Are you talking about coconut trees?" Manfred nodded "Yes! Coconut trees-... do you think the trees are coconut trees?" He asked and Montgomery looked up at the trees... "Manfred... darling, if they were coconut trees, you'd see coconuts hanging from them". He said in a rather sarcastic manner and Manfred looked at Montgomery.

"Did you just call me darling? Are you bent or something?" Manfred asked and Montgomery couldn't help but laugh... "oh, you know the word bent but you don't know the word coconut tree? You're a strange man Freiherr von Richthofen". He said and Manfred laughed.

A short silence fell between them as they looked at one another... Montgomery sat up... "I should head home, my father is probably wondering where I am". He said before looking back into Manfred's eyes... something drew them towards one another, like a spider pulling its prey to its web...

Their lips touched for only the shortest of seconds but it was as if time stopped.

Then a soft knock...
Montgomery turned around and opened his eyes half groggy from his dream. "Yes?" He said trying not to freak out... Did that really happen? Even if it did, why didn't he remember any of it before this dream?

A maid entered the room, "Your mother has sent me to tell you breakfast will be served in two hours". She said before leaving the room and closing the door once more. Montgomery sat up in bed...

That dream
It was real, it had to be... It had happened Montgomery was sure of that fact... it was like that dream had awakened long-forgotten memories from before the war... now he could remember more than just talking to Manfred at Christmas and going for the occasional swim together... he remembered the kiss and not only that one kiss, he remembered plenty more...

Did Manfred know? Was this why he acted so slick in the shoe store? Was this why von Richthofen had saved his life?

The 45 minutes it took for him to get ready and the other hour and ten minutes he spent reading, he realised he couldn't stop thinking about all the possibilities...

Montgomery needed to forget that dream again which was a near impossible task. Every time he flipped a new page he found himself thinking back to that short feeling of eternity... how peaceful it felt to be back in those gardens alongside Manfred... to not even think of the war...

Montgomery closed his book and made his way to the dining room for breakfast "Morning, young Armstrong". A maid who was making the bed in Paris' room said as he passed, Montgomery knew her well, she had been working at the estate ever since he could remember.

"Morning Mrs. Jones". He responded in a kind tone and then walked down the Victorian staircase into the hall, to the living space where his mother, brother and his wife were seated. His sister, her son and her husband had left back to their home in Paris as early as six AM in the morning, Penelope had told her planning to Montgomery and Paris during the wedding.

Montgomery didn't even dare ask if his father was joining him for breakfast anymore... he had been here just less than a week and hadn't even caught a glimpse of him yet. Paris cleared his throat... "Katharina and I have an announcement to make". He said, breaking the silence. Montgomery looked at his mother as she sat up intently.

Katharina smiled: "I am with child". She said proudly and Paris hugged his wife... seriously, Paris? One night after you're wedding day?

It was clear they had known for longer than today, longer than they had been married... they just wanted to avoid a scandal. His mother also wasn't fooled, but now that they were married there was nothing for her to prove "Oh! Such splendid news... oh first Penelope goes out and starts a family, now you, Paris... my children are really all grown up". His mother said before she turned to Montgomery and he could already predict what she was about to say.

"How about you Montgomery, when are you marrying? I saw you dance with that girl at Paris' wedding... by Jehovah was she beautiful-". His mother said and Montgomery turned red from embarrassment. "Mother-... she was German-". He said and she just gave him a weird look with a raised eyebrow, "Don't try and avoid my question Montgomery Achillieus Armstrong". His mother said.

Montgomery sighed "I'm waiting until after the war, okay? Now, it's all just too hectic". He said. He has much more important matters on his mind.

The war, the well-being of his squadron... Manfred.

He had to see Manfred again... he just had to, but he didn't know when or at what occasion he'd see him again.

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