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PHOENIX WALKED OUT OF, the classroom with one of his arms around a nervous Y/Ns waist while they both just continued to leave the room. She hated it whenever he touched her, but since she never said anything about it since she was scared of the response she'd get, she never spoke up against him, and that was sad. She just let him touch her any sort of way all because she was scared of him. That wasn't something that was right at all.

They walked through the halls with some people sending whispers their way while other people just decided to keep quiet since they didn't want to gain Phoenixes attention. All Y/N did was keep her head straight ahead to ignore the stares that came from all of the other students that made way for both her and the dark haired man that only scrolled through his device.

While they both continued to walk as others just passed by them without a care in the world for who Phoenix was, there was a familiar looking brunette that managed to catch Y/Ns eyes, and that's when she stopped in her tracks for a second, causing Phoenix to look up from his phone just to stare down at the girl that began walking again.

He knew something was off about her since she wouldn't just stop walking for no reason, so he kept his stare on her for a minute before he glanced up at what it was she was looking at. His eyes widened while his hand gripped tighter on his device by what he was seeing. It was Gabriel walking straight for the both of them with his innocent brown eyes on Y/Ns E/C ones.

Phoenix couldn't believe the intense stare down that was happening between them, so he automatically assumed that they were doing something behind his back even though the woman wasn't even dating him.

After the bully and his victim grew a little slower in each of their tracks, the taller male watched as Y/N raised her hand before she gave the brown eyed teen a small wave that caused a short gasp to come from his lips.

Just as he was about to copy that action, he remembered what a familiar redhead told him, so he dropped his hand back down to his side while he shivered at the feeling of a stare getting more intense against him. It was only then that he noticed the dark haired man standing above her with his eyes glaring daggers into him.

Y/N allowed her own hand to drop beside her while her face grew hot due to embarrassment. She hated the sound of chuckles being heard by everyone around her, and she didn't know why Gabriel was acting like he wasn't all over her the other day.

Whipping her head back to the front of both her and a furious Phoenix that stood beside her with his arm removing itself away from her waist, she glanced up at him with a look of achievement by what he'd just done until she realized that he did not look happy at all.

He wasn't staring at her either, and that was a huge red flag because whenever she'd look his way, he always made sure to stare back at her to silently let her know that he wasn't mad at her or anything like that.

Once the brunette finally passed the both of them, the dark haired man stopped his walking, causing Y/N to do the same while everybody else just turned their backs away from the two of them or just began to make their way to their classes.

He didn't say a thing at all to the female. He just stared her down with hatred and annoyance filling his blue eyes that turned a little darker with each step of a student around them. He already knew what he wanted to do in that very moment, but he couldn't do anything out in the open like this.

Pushing out his large hand while the slight scowl on his face became more visible, he gritted his teeth together with a breath coming out of his nose, "Give me your hand."

Y/N didn't want to be left alone with the blue eyed teen that stood in front of her because she already knew something horrible was going to happen to her, so she just felt the way her legs trembled underneath the rest of her body while she slowly began to shake her head from side to side.

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