Troubling times

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    May Scott a girl with dirty blonde short hair who stood at 5'4 could be seen walking down the hall of a highschool. She walked into the office and stood at front of the desk.

    "Hi, I'm here to see the principal, we had a meeting". May said to the lady at the front desk.

The principal heard Mays voice then peeked her head out her office.

"Ms Scott, come in". Principal Sanchez instructed.

    May smiled at the lady who was sitting at the front desk then walked into the principals office and sat down.

Principal Sanchez sat in her seat and got on her computer as she talked.

"So , your sister Maddison". She said.

May had a worried look on her face.

"Did she get into another fight"? May asked.

"No". The principal replied. "She hasn't been here for a week and given her history I want to make sure everything's okay, we've been sending her work to her online and she turns it in but it's not enough she has to be in school physically".

"Well I haven't been home, I live in the dorms on campus and our older brother lives near the college". May explained. "Our mom goes on a lot of business trips".

"And what about your dad". Principal Sanchez asked.

"He's not in the picture". May answered looking awkwardly at the principal.

"Well, I'm sorry but if she doesn't start coming into school she'll be expelled". Mrs Sanchez said.

"No"! May blurted out. "No that won't be necessary, just give me a few days".

"Alright, ms Scott, Maddison is a really bright young woman I'd hate to see her fail".

    When May got to their mothers house in London she looked around. It was a mess, it was obvious their mom hadn't been home in days.

She had a memory of when Maddison was diagnosed with bipolar disorder at the age of 11. May was 12 and hardin was 13.

    May walked upstairs and knocked on Maddison's door gently before she opened it.

    Maddison was laying in bed on her side doing nothing but staring at the wall. The way she was laying she was facing away from May.

May walked in her room and closed the door gently.

"Hey mads". She said softly.

    May and Hardin have been taking care of their little sister ever since they could remember. When she'd get into her down moods their mom would always make an excuse not to take care of her.

Maddison didn't answer.

May got into bed with Maddison and laid her head on Maddison's shoulder. Her arm was around her.

    Times like these May would lay with her little sister, making sure she knew she wasn't alone.

"Mads". May said as she brushed Madison's black straight hair out her face. "Hey why don't we go to the record store, see what new records they have".

    Maddison still didn't answer, the mention of the record store made her look at the boxes she had full of records but then she went back to staring at the wall.

    Music was her and mays thing, ever since they were little they'd always find some new song to listen to. They would go to concerts and meet and greets.

    May stared at her sister for a moment. She hated seeing her like this, it wasn't Maddison. It was as if the Maddison she knew was no where to be found, lost in the darkness of her mind.

"I'm going to clean up downstairs and make you something to eat okay"? May said trying to get a response out of her but again nothing.

    May kissed Maddison on the side of her head before she got up and left the room.

    Maddison had fallen asleep just to be woken up an hour later by some talking downstairs.

    It was her older brother Hardin and May arguing.

"Well why didn't you fucking call me". Hardin argued.

"I have it handled Hardin"! May argued back.

"She's my sister too"! He said before he started to go upstairs.

When Hardin walked into Maddison's room, she put the blanket over her head.

    "Mads, hey". Hardin said as he circled around to the side of the bed where she was facing and knelt down beside it.

Again she didn't respond.

"Come on, talk to me". He said as he tugged on the blanket.

Maddison took the blanket from over her head.

Hardin smiled softly.

"Have you eaten anything". Hardin asked.

"No". Maddison said softly.

"How long has mum been gone". He asked as he brushed her hair out her face.

"A week and a half". Maddison answered softly again.

"Why didn't you call us, or ben or talian". Hardin asked.

Maddison sat up in her bed.

"I didn't want to bother you guys". She answered.

Hardin looked down before he stood up.

"Okay, get dressed". He said.

"Why"? Maddison asked looking up at hardin.

"Zed is throwing a party and we're going to go". Hardin answered.

"Hardin I don't"- Maddison was interrupted by hardin.

"If you come with us I'll buy you 6 new records".

Maddison smiled then got up.

    May smiled as she watched from the doorway. She could tell her sister hadn't been herself in a few days and now the Maddison she knew was back.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2023 ⏰

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