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Minghao was cuddled in his sheets. Well... Not his sheets. He was at Junhui's apartment, he's been there for a week now. He didn't even want to go home, because as long as he's with Jun, he's safe.

He hasn't even looked at what time it was in at least what? Five hours or so?

He was clueless. No thoughts went through his head as he lay like dead weight in Junhui's bed.

His head stung like a thousand needles went into him at once.

He wanted Junhui. He needed Junhui. He feels comfortable in Jun's bed, his face tucked under his hoodies and blankets. He smelled so sweet, like burning wood and baked goods with a hint of his coconut soaps and honey. He was in a trance in his clothes. So yeah, sure he was comfortable, but he didn't feel safe. Junhui's not here. That's all he needs. It just didn't feel the same.

The thought of food made him gag. The idea of it grossed him out so much he just wasn't hungry. But he still needed to eat. He hasn't eaten anything since last night when Junhui came home with his favorite meal. But even thinking about drinking made Minghao disgusted. He just needed Jun. With him around, everything was just... Better.

His throat felt dry, his whole body freezing but he was soaked in sweat. He wore nothing but boxers as he cuddled deep in Junhui's bed, snuggled into his warm blankets. It was hard not being around the person who brought him so much comfort.

Junhui was his breath, his air, his only source of life and his only reason to live. He needed him, he wanted to be held by Jun all day, he wanted to be cuddled and kissed better until he was giggling. He just wanted to be cared for. He was basically nothing if Junhui never came into his life.

Jun opened up a side of Minghao that he's never seen before. His sweet, bright smile made minghao's heart run laps around his head and back.

He remembered the first moments he saw the older, it was a sight he could never forget.


Junhui's hair was pulled back into a small ponytail, strands falling out of the hair tie and hanging near his eyes. He was smiling as he talked with his coworker, laughing about something. His eyes formed thin crescents as he smiled, the cutest laugh slipping his lips.

He had a light brown apron tied tight around his waist, his figure outlined so perfectly, showing his effortless body in a way Minghao found beautiful. At that moment, Minghao could have sworn he was looking at a Prince. His neck was decorated with several necklaces, including a choker secured tight around his thick neck. Minghao didn't even dare go to the counter to order his hot chocolate, he would make a fool of himself. His thoughts jumbled into one huge mess of words, and trying to speak them would make his mind explode.

Minghao settled on just working on some of his stuff, but he couldn't even pay attention. His eyes were focused on something better, something prettier, something that Minghao couldn't help but watch.

His voice was cute, soft, sweet, and warm. He didn't hear him speak much, only catching his conversations with his coworker, welcoming customers, and calling out orders.

Junhui had every order memorized. His hands moved as if on autopilot as he talked with the customers while making their drinks. It was impressive to watch. Minghao suddenly snapped back into reality as he realized he was practicing stalking the stranger.

A few more minutes into Minghao working, he suddenly heard steps walking towards him. But before he could even look up, he heard a soft gentle voice.

"Excuse me?" He spoke, his voice was so fucking pretty. Fuck how could Minghao survive a conversation with this Prince? This god-like boy that stood in front of him was so much prettier up close, his smile was so soft...

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