Chapter 1- Carbonite Dreams pt 1- Doubts

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-I changed a few things, I wanted to write about the changing in Anakin and Ahsoka's relationship while showing glimpses of his past. Again they are the same age in this story

  The Darth Maul replica clambered to the ground, its wires on display from the slash across its waist. Anakin smirks in triumph, he did it. He defeated Maul. For the past few weeks, he'd been asking Obi-Wan for the details of his fight against his old master's killer. He was reluctant to share the graphic details with him at first but after constant pestering Obi-Wan opened up about the brawl. He heard the padawans whisper among themselves behind him some commenting about his fighting technique, criticizing him for his aggressive strikes, laughing at their twisted jokes. To be aggressive wasn't the Jedi way. There was no mercy in his slashes, his only goal was to kill, to win and he did. Anakin stood up straight deactivating his blue sword. He looked up towards the balcony where Obi-Wan, Master Windu, and the Chancellor stood cocking his head to the side confused at his masters' solemn expression. Master Windu held his usual stare of disapproval while the Chancellor beamed down at him tipping his head in a congratulatory nod.
The smirk fell from his lips forming into a frown as Obi-Wan turned away from him. Had he gone too far? He intended to show his master the progression in his swordsmanship not to disappoint him. His jaw clenched. The relationship between him and Obi-Wan continued to remain awkwardly professional.
Anakin tensed. He glanced over his shoulder towards two male padawans standing in the front snickering to each other. "He'll never be a great Jedi. He's a slave to his emotions." Anakin turned around to face them completely. The entirety of their conversation faded, the only thing he heard was that wretched word. Slave. He gripped his saber in anger. Anakin outstretched his hand reaching out into the force plucking the sabers from their belts and igniting them midair. He twisted his two fingers slightly curving the blades to point at their owners. The boys visibly shuddered in fear.
"What was that?" He growled out. The boys stayed quiet, "Repeat what you said." His vision closed in around the two of them blacking out their surroundings. That word. That disgusting word, he hated it. He hated the mere definition of it, how it clung to his past. How it clung to him. The simple utterance of it made his blood boil. Ignorant fools. They had no idea what it was like to live like that, the fear he and his mother shared daily at the thought of being separated from one another. A possibility that woke up him many nights as a child. They had no idea what it was like. His fingers curled inching the sizzling blades closer to their masters. But they would soon know.

"Say it again." The human male licked his quivering lip closing his eyes while the other watched with a horrified stare.
"Anakin, stop this!" Obi-Wan's voice rang from behind him breaking his trance on the two padawans. The darkness scattered away from his vision, the light from the temple shooing its counterpart back to its crevices. Anakin blinked back his rage taking in the expressions of the other padawans watching him. He lowered his hand to his side in shame making the two blades fall to the floor. Anakin walked over and bent down to pick them up. He offered them back to their masters with his head bowed, "I- I apologize for frightening you. Please forgive me."
The boys looked at each other unsure of what to do, shakily they grabbed their sabers from him. "Don't worry about it." One said. Anakin nodded. He spared one last look towards Obi-Wan then marched out of the training room.
Tears stung at the brim of his eyes, he felt foolish for letting his rage get the better of him right in front of Obi-Wan and Master Windu who already doubted his potential. His punishment no doubt would be hours of meditation in his room for self-reflection. He stopped in the hallways of the temple running a hand through his thick locks. Being a padawan was harder than he thought. Every day he felt like he would take one step forward just to reach another obstacle that pushed him back a thousand more starting him back at square one. Obi-Wan tried to help but his words were contradicting his emotions he failed to keep under wraps.
He gripped the ledge of the wall hanging his head, he couldn't do this. He wanted to be a Jedi truly he did but this was too much for him. The weight of the prophecy, the scolding stares of his masters along with the ache of missing his mother suffocated him daily. On one hand, he wanted to stay, to achieve his dream of being a Jedi but on the other, he wanted to go home. To be under the loving care of his mother, to be embraced in her warm hugs, and to feel safe, and protected. Here he was on his own surrounded by people who acted like they wanted nothing to do with him. To protect him was their civil duty nothing more nothing less. They didn't care about him the way he wanted them to, the way he needed them to. Anakin watched the speeders race down below. Perhaps he should leave and go back to his life before. As treacherous and unforgiving Tattooine was at least he had family. He would have his freedom.
"Again." Anakin raised his head, the sound of someone grunting in the room across from him filling his ears. He walked over to the creaked door peeking inside it. In the middle of the training floor a girl, he assumed was around his age, swung a practice saber performing the basics of form five. She swung the wooden pole with practiced ease but he could see the rigidity in her motions. Her master, Plo Koon, circled her as she continued to slice through the air. She slashed through the air once more then stood straight. "Again." From here he could see her grimace at the command before going into a defensive stance.

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