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You always hear the words, "oh, I'd never do those things." Or, "I don't have it in me to do something so depraved as that." "Youre a weirdo." Or my favorite... "That's just not who I am."

My name is Aria Cromwell. Average girl. Average position in a small town diner. I worked back of the place. Cleanup, cooking, Prepping food.

I'd worked there for seven months. Felt like family to me. But.

I crossed a very, very, dangerous line. A line that I didnt think, I'd ever cross.

We were a small place just on the edge of base camp for the 141. Special ops Crew. There was a group of about six that night. Ghost, soap, price, Konig, gaz and one other. I hadnt seen him in before. Maybe he was newer. But they buddied around like he was the vet of them.

"I swear Ruin, it's like you never left man," price chuckled. The man with the mohawk and head tattoo chuckled as he sat down with the rest. I listened as much as i could before Ghost moved to the jukebox, selecting several songs and heading to the mens room. I got the ticket and made it up..sendung it out.

I watched the clock now and then as we cleaned up and got ready to close. The group had left and i was walking out back to my car. There was a man, standing in the shadows of the building, staring at me.

"You look much better behind that apron. Ya know that right?"

"Maybe..but, i made a point a while back not to get into it with a soldier."

"Scared you might like following orders?"

Ok, so I was more of a sub than a dom where sex was concerned. But, my issue with soldiers, was the dying part. Get involved, get attached, they leave, dont come back. I didn't wanna put my heart through that. Not again.

"I don't mind following orders tough guy. But I'm not about to catch feelings for one of you and then go through the heartbreak when you don't come back.

He was quiet for a second, not moving, not speaking. Then, he did.

"I'm not saying I wanna have kids, get married, white picket fence. Honestly, I was hoping we could share a couple private drinks, have some adult fun. No strings."

I snickered.

"Are you trying to netflix and chill me Ruin?"

"Oh, so you know who I am. "

"Nah, just heard Ghost call you that. So, You want me to take you home, let you get me drunk, and then put the moves on me?"

He chuckled, moving up closer.

"Only if you say yes. I don't bite, unless that's what gets you off. I promise."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2023 ⏰

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