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Yeah, so im writing another viravos fanfic, why? Because i dont want viren to die and i just watched the new season, and i will cry if the sixth one comes out and he's dead. So im just gonna write this and hope that the creators see how much i love this fictional man. Anyway, this is in viren's P.O.V. because i wanted to be able to do that i guess. I don't know, i just think that umm he's a little too much like me to not do this.(also this takes place after the 5th season bc i wanted to try to do that)

My eyes close, I know that I won't wake up, but I'm fine with it. It's strange, I never would have thought that I would be like this before I die. Then again I was misguided. Maybe in my next life I can be a better person, maybe I can help humanity without the use of cruel magic.


To my surprise I do in fact wake up. What? I was supposed to die."What's going on, why didn't I die?"

"I couldn't just let you die, you're my only family left. I had to."

I look around, Claudia? My hand is covered in blood, and Sir Sparkelpuff on the ground, dead. "What happened?" Why is my child dead? And why does Claudia look like that? Her hair had gotten whiter, and her eyes were dark with magic infused with them. She looked exhausted.

"I saved you, it was the only way. Aaravos, his prison has been found by the princes, we need to get it back and free Aaravos." She bent down to where I'm laying on the ground.

"How did you find me? And how did you know what to do?"

"Shh, take it easy, you were on the brink of death. Rest."

"But-" She puts a finger on my lips, shutting me up, and lays me down.

"Just sleep right now, we all need rest."

My eyes open, and there in front of me is Aaravos. "I thought I told you that I don't want to be your company, let my consciousness back into my body." I demand.

He looks at me curiously, "I didn't bring you here. How did you get here?" He moves over to me and inspects me. "Is it that you wanted to be here? I mean it is possible that you could come here on your own, but I never expected it."

"What do you mean? I don't want to be here."

"Well you must want to, I mean somewhere in your subconscious. Maybe you want answers, or maybe you miss our child already, or maybe it's because you actually want to see me." He looks happy about this.

"I would never want to see you!" I roll my eyes, I mean I can't want to be with this evil creature, who made me do these hideous tasks for him.

My eyes open, I look around, there's no Aaravos, and no purpley prison surrounding me. I let out a breath of relief. Thank the gods.

Yeah, idk if im gonna continue this how it is, I might redo it, but i might change my mind on the perspective part, other than that, it could be better. Anyway, hope you like it, tell me if you want more. I'll probably make more even if no one comments if i'm bored.

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