Pool Party

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The summer heat in L.A was unbearable. After the Spy Racers finished their last mission, Mrs. Nowhere was in a good mood and decided to rent a private pool for the racers to enjoy.

For Tony, Echo, Frostee, and Cisco, it was the best thing that happened to them. For Layla, it was a nightmare. Not that she didn't enjoy swimming. It was that she was going to be wearing a swimsuit. A bikini for that matter. And Tony was going to be there.

Layla denied all she wanted that she didn't fall in love with Tony, but every time she thought about the pool party on Friday, her heart started racing at the thought of Tony seeing her in a bikini.

Dusk was falling on L.A as Layla stared at the bikini she was wearing the next day. Her heart started racing again when the slightest thought of Tony came into her mind.

Layla started coming up with scenarios of what Tony would say or do. One scenario was that he would just ignore the bikini. Another scenario was that he would stare at her. The biggest scenario was that Tony would say she looked good. To someone like Echo, that would be a compliment, but to someone like Layla, it would be Tony saying that she looked hot in a bikini, and she didn't know what her response would be.

Layla grabbed the two pieces of the swimsuit and threw them to the side of her room. She needed to stop overthinking tomorrow and just deal with it. It would be strange if she didn't show to the pool party. And to be honest, she really needed to be in some water. It was too hot to handle.

Layla took a shower, got dressed and plopped on her bed as she stared at her phone. Layla went to Echo's Instagram page and looked through some photo. Echo didn't post much, so it wasn't hard for Layla to find a picture from last year of Tony and Echo jet skiing across the ocean.

Layla looked closer at the photo and noticed that Echo wore a full body swimsuit instead of a two piece. Layla sighed as her nerves started to go haywire again. Layla then caught herself staring at Tony.

Layla shook her head and tried to get bad thought out of her mind. She didn't need to be thinking that kind of stuff about him. She needed to get over her dumb crush, not make it worse.

Layla was about to plug in her phone and go to sleep when Echo texted.

'Hey, what kind of swimsuit are you going to be wearing tomorrow?'

'A bikini, I guess. Why?'

'Nothing much other than I was curious. I'm going to wear my full body. Well, I'm going to head to bed. Night, Gray.'


Layla sighed as she put her phone on the nightstand next to her and turned off the light. She tried calming her nerves about tomorrow again to sleep, but it didn't work. Layla stared at the ceiling as she kept running scenarios through her mind about what Tony would say or do.

About an hour later, Layla finally started to feel sleep take ahold of her and pull her into a deep sleep.

~The next day~

Layla woke up to her alarm beeping. She groaned and rolled over to look at the time. It was 10:00. Layla didn't think much about the day as she started going through her morning routine until she got to making breakfast that she remembered what she was doing today.

"Great. The pool party."

Layla mumbled to herself as she poured herself a bowl of cereal. Layla was excited to swim, but the only thing that was wrong was Tony. She's fine with the other three seeing her in a bikini, but Tony was a whole 'nother story.

As Layla ate, she decided to give her older sister a call and see what she thought.

Ring..... Ring..... Ring.....

Spy Racers: Tayla One-Shots (Collection 1)Where stories live. Discover now