Willow (A Tracy Beaker Returns Fanfiction)

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Chapter 1.

The Bitter End.

"You're still alive?" My Grandmother hisses angerily.

"Grandmother, have mercy" pleads my older sister Roxie.

Her small build doesn't look like she's 17. Her tears numb me. When you've had the life I had an emotion becomes numb to you. Its when I notice Grandmother has a gun in her hand that I feel panic and fear. I pretend to be dead as I lay here. Connor died just 2 days ago from starvation. 4 years old and I already know of the hunger pains.

"Goodbye Roxie" my Grandmother whispers.

I hear the gun shot. I hold my breath and try stop the tears rolling down my face. I can hear the blood spatter on the walls. It's enough to make me sick. My stomach's turning but I can't be sick. There hasn't been any food in me since Connor died. Grandmother must think we're all dead because she leaves the room and leaves the door open. I rip away the covers and slip out of the room. I listen quickly. Grandmother goes into the sitting room. I watch her close the door after herself. I go into the kitchen. On the kitchen table there's a piece of bread. Grabbing it off the table I wolf it down and see the phone on the desk. I grab it and call 999 praying to god that Grandmother isn't playing a trick on me and planning on killing me now.

Willow (A Tracy Beaker Returns Fanfiction) (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now