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A huge thank you to @please harry aka @marinella papadopoullou for making the trailer. Thanx so much sweetie.
Also congrats to styleslegend for reaching #1 and Posh777 for being so sweet. Now as far as my girls are concerned ( you know who you are...start reading when the  exams finish. Love you!!!
As soon as Harry spotted us I could see the disappointment in his eyes. He was holding Antony tenderly who smiled at me the moment he recognized me and the looks were daggers addressing both me and Leo who had stood up quickly giving me a hand.

" Hey...how are you?" I said in a whisper unable to think what would be suitable to say next.

"We are good" Pete answered dryly followed by Harry who speared poisonous words towards me definetely bitter by the sight in front of him "Obviously we are not having such a good time like the lot of you...and to think that I ..." he withheld his last thoughts.

"Hi guys!" Rose re-appeared a huge grin on her face oblivious of what was going on still flushed from all the running that had previously occurred.

I have to admit that for a while I did have fun with my friends and I was able to briefly forget of all the heartache and pain and now I was paying for that. We were awkwardly standing looking at each other without saying anything, talk about odd!

"Look how much he's grown Val, he is reaching for you.." Rose said and I was a bit startled to see that cute adorable boy reaching for me making those goo sounds that make you want to bite babies' cheeks off or kiss them endlessly. I hesitantly went closer and Harry nodded giving me his approval to hold him.

"Hey baby, I missed you so much...you missed me, too?" I playfully talked to him and he chuckled making everybody smile, Harry in particular revealing his dimples, the previous tension almost forgotten by Antony's reaction to me. He placed his tiny hands on my face grabbing my cheeks, my nose...the cuteness of that baby had definitely reached world records.

"Hey baby, want to play...you are the sweetest thing aren't you? I love you so much. You know that, right? God you are beautiful Antony..." I said and he chuckled some more, his smile could definitely light a city but after all genes are genes so...enough said.

"Mate, we need to go..." Pete said suddenly in a nervous tone and I knew it was time to say goodbye to them not knowing when I would see them again.

"Yeah...I need to be getting back" Harry said and the smile he had disappeared instantly.

"Sure...here you go...back to daddy sweetie" I said handing him to Harry our fingers brushing as I passed the baby to him  and I felt electricity shooting through my body by his touch.

He looked straight in my eyes feeling it, too, looking for answers, questions, emotions, who knows and I melted once again. The realization that he wasn't mine anymore and that he was so close yet so far away hit me like a tsunami, especially when I noticed Helena approaching us. I immediately justified Pete's reaction but still why the hell she was here with Harry and Pete was beyond me. Perhaps her husband was there nearby as well... a big happy family. Great! Just what I needed, bloody Helena to make my day.

" Look what the cat dragged in" she spat her words dripping irony as soon as she drew near.

"Clearly a stinky rat" I replied unafraid of her. She couldn't touch me anymore. I had nothing to lose.

"You never learn, do you?" she continued and Harry glared at me, begging me to give it up but I simply didn't care. They had taken him away from me and I didn't want to hold back.

"God it smells like bitch in here" Leo added catching up to what was going on. He took my hand and pulled me a bit back protectively and Harry stiffened.

The state that I'm in. (BEING EDITED)Where stories live. Discover now