Chapter 1

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I'm back at it again.

Anyway, I know my characters can get a bit too OOC, but hey, it's fine right? lol

My updates might be long. I hope you guys still have the patience, or willing to wait, for the next update to come. It's pretty busy here, and I'm doing the best I can to write anyway :D


The Hinokami Kagura Kingdom. The strongest and most beautiful kingdom known to every man, woman, and child alike.

With its great defense and powerful soldiers ready to protect and serve the rulers and the people, it is by no means the safest place to ever live on. Not only it is a home of powerful trained men and women, but it is also a home of a prodigious prince. A gifted prince who will one day shake the world with his intelligence and serenity.

Like any kingdom, there are certain ranks to ensure balance and security as well as proper leadership to the people.

A king or a queen holds the highest position, lower than that are the princes or princesses, then the minister of the kingdom, then the prime leaders of the soldiers, and so on and forth.

The Hinokami Kagura Kingdom is ruled by the Tsugikuni family. The royal family. They are aided in terms of leading the country by the minister of the kingdom, someone from the Ubuyashiki family, who is trustworthy and benevolent. Together they created a system to also uphold strength and power in the kingdom; a system that all the people relied on for safety. This system is a position, one of the highest ranks. They are a group of soldiers who had put their lives on the line the most, fought, and protected the people with such immense strength. They are the prime leaders of the soldiers. However, they are famously named, the Hashira, the Pillars of the Kingdom.

To become a pillar, one must be trained vigorously as a swordsman or, if with great luck, also be taken in as a successor by one of the pillars. The training is not easy, as everyone knows. But to be a part of that group means a great honor in serving the rulers and the people.

This is a kingdom where many extraordinary people live. It is full of wonders as trained men and women can be seen possessing abilities that are beyond normalcy. Breathing techniques, they say. It provided their soldiers with all strength and power and taught them great discipline and strict regulations to follow, as they fight the enemies of the unknown.

But there was an incident that will indeed be marked in history.

Various events happened all too suddenly. The King and the Queen are announced dead, causing a great shock to everyone in the country. The minister of the kingdom, Kagaya Ubuyashiki, will have to lead temporarily to keep everything balanced, doing his utmost best to provide whatever the people need until preparations are made for the new King, the heir or the firstborn, to be crowned. The decision-making must be precise and fast to avoid the disruption of peace.


There is only one problem.

The King and the Queen have not declared an heir before their passing. Questions and options are thrown left and right.

Who will sit on the throne? Was the question on everyone's mind. Surely, it is the heir, the firstborn, but...

There are two young princes born on the very same day.


The twin princes are challenged and tested.

They were very young when their parents died. Leaving the two alone, unprepared. Although they were given basic knowledge about leadership and the system of the kingdom the moment they could read, write, and comprehend, they have yet to be tested with their full potential. The Kingdom is still waiting with bated breath since the throne is still empty, leaving the people with unease despite the hard work of the Pillars and the minister to control everything. But the danger continues to lurk, especially when there is no ruler.

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