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Ranrok leaves to go hunting, and I have to resist the urge to follow and hunt him.

The audacity of the male.

When we rebelled in the arena, I was right behind Dee, chasing her as we all raced for the ropes. And then he swooped in and took her. He saved her.

I can tell Dee is angry with me for antagonizing and challenging Ranrok. She doesn't see Ranrok's disrespect as he chases her. Without knowing much about him, I'm certain that we came from similar upbringings. Frowned upon by our parents, because they could tell something was off about us. And then we've been rejected by society since we became adults. He knows how little masters have; how lonely this life is. But he still dares to try and take away the only happiness I have had in years.

He doesn't know her like I do. He doesn't know that she likes to "high-five" over silly things. That she hums and plays with bubbles whenever she's bathing in a tub. That sometimes she'll slip a word of her foreign language without noticing. That she twirls a lock of her hair when she's deep in thought. That she cursed whenever she rips a hair tie as she tries to bind her thick strands. That she moans my name whenever I'm between her thighs.
He doesn't know any of her quirks. All he's attracted to is that glowing brown skin and heart-stopping smile.

I'm the champion of the arena only for Dee. Only because of her. And I will triumph over Ranrok, too.

I keep an eye on her as I address the gladiators. She's petting the beasts and checking their legs for injuries—always caring and nurturing.

The gladiators listen closely to my instructions. It's odd, leading them. I didn't plan this far when I was incarcerated. All I knew was that I wanted freedom and revenge. They humiliated Dee and abused masters for months, and I swore to make them pay.
I can no longer hide in this world. I can't return to being a farmer. Not when I have Dee to protect. So I will rise, and bring her with me.

The men roast meat over a fire and watch our surroundings closely for signs of intruders. I'm not sure where we are, but the taste of salt and pepper is in the air, and there's a distant, endless roar.

We are near an ocean. This is good. Most Zolanos are superstitious about the open sea, and avoid the shores. There is too much unknown power lurking in those depths. Too many drowned souls from sunken ships slapping the surface to escape.

The beach is the perfect route. We will be safe there for a couple of days.
Ranrok returns right as supper is served to the group. He drops a sack of medicinal roots and herbs he must have collected, staring at me defyingly like he's trying to prove his usefulness.

"I will keep first watch," speaks Hull.

"But we will need to keep moving soon."

The rest of the group turns to me.
"Why do you turn to Vadnar? Who declared him the leader?" Hull scowls.
"He got us out of the prison. Something none of us could do. I was trapped for months."

Hull laughs. "I mean no offense, but Vadnar is only dedicated to bickering with Ranrok and fucking the alien girl. He is too distracted to lead anything but his cocks into—"

I reach for the fire, pulling out a burning stick. I notice how Dee tenses.
I hold the burning log an inch from Hull's face. He helped us earlier, but I haven't forgotten how he assaulted Dee our first day in the colosseum.

I bare my teeth. "Disrespect her again and I'll have your lips seared shut." I toss the burning stick at his feet, and he jumps back.

He frowns, but ends his rant.

I look at the men. "I don't care if you follow me or go your separate ways. I have my own plans."

"It would be hard to travel with the female," says one of the gladiators. "Her appearance..." he scans Dee from head to toe. "It's unmistakable. We don't even know where she's from."

I open my mouth to reply, but Dee speaks for herself.

"You're right, and wearing a cloak won't hide me forever. I'm a woman from a foreign world, brought here by mistake, but I am no burden. I owe my life to Vadnar and will pay him back. I will carry my own weight around here."
She has her arms crossed over her chest, and her shoulders are slumped. She is trying to be brave. I'm proud of her.

And judging by the look Ranrok is giving her, so is he.

The men turn to themselves and mutter, discussing their options. I've lost all interest in this conversation. They can either follow me or go their own way. I will not plead for followers.
I stand toe-to-toe with Dee, and I set my hands on her hips. Without caring about who is listening, I tell her, "you did well."

She smiles, but it doesn't meet her eyes.
"I will take you to the beach just like I promised I would."

It takes her a moment to understand my words. To remember my promise of fucking her around the world. But then she ducks her head and presses her forehead against my bare chest. I chuckle. This is exactly how I want her. Teased, distracted, and sexually frustrated. I don't want her to worry about survival or having to prove herself to anyone.

"I will take the second watch," Ranrok speaks.

So he's staying with the group, then. Great. I wonder how long I'll last without ripping his head off.
I wrap my arms around Dee, forgetting about the other male. I have nothing to prove to him. He will watch on his own how we are inseparable.

"To the beach," I tell the men who are still standing by.

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