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In the forgotten corners of an ancient forest, where the shadows danced with the moonlight, a boy was born under a crimson sky. The night was painted scarlet, for it was the night of the red moon, a rare celestial event said to bring with it strange and ominous tales.

The boy's arrival into the world was anything but ordinary, for his mother's life ended as his began. The mother, with her last breath, whispered a name into the breeze before her soul took flight to the heavens above. The boy was left an orphan, cursed with an unnatural gift - the gift of immortality.

Alone in the dense forest, the boy grew up like a wild creature, shunned by society and feared for his enigmatic curse. Seasons passed like fleeting dreams, and with each passing year, the forest claimed him more and more. He became one with the trees, the rivers, and the creatures that roamed freely, seeking solace in the company of nature.

But fate had another chapter in store for the boy. One day, as he wandered aimlessly through the woods, he stumbled upon a small temple nestled deep within the heart of the forest. A priestess resided there, a solitary figure of wisdom and serenity.

The priestess, sensing the boy's loneliness and burden, welcomed him into her humble abode. She saw past the curse that plagued him and recognized the human soul trapped within. As days turned into weeks and weeks into months, she taught the boy the ways of humanity - compassion, love, and understanding. She showed him the beauty of life beyond the confines of the forest.

Under her gentle guidance, the boy blossomed into a person with emotions, dreams, and aspirations. He learned to appreciate the fleeting nature of life and the profound connections that tie one soul to another. For the first time, hope stirred within his heart, like a long-dormant seed awakening to the warmth of the sun.

But as time's relentless march continued, so did the priestess's age. Her hair turned silver, and her steps faltered. In the twilight of her life, she imparted her final wisdom to the boy, preparing him for a world he would once again face alone. And one somber day, with the last rays of the sun illuminating her peaceful face, she passed away, leaving the boy to grapple with grief once more.

In the depths of sorrow, the boy found strength, for the lessons the priestess had shared were etched forever in his heart. He knew that despite his immortality, the pain of loss was an inevitable part of the human experience.

With newfound purpose, the boy bid farewell to the temple, carrying the memories of the priestess and their time together like precious treasures. He ventured into the world, knowing that his life would be a tapestry woven with both joy and sorrow, hope and despair, just like any mortal.

And so, under the watchful eyes of the moon, he started a new journey, determined to honor the priestess's teachings and find solace in the ever-changing cycles of life. He knew he would forever be marked by his curse, but he also realized that within him lay the potential to inspire hope in the hearts of those he encountered along the way. For even in the face of tragedy, the boy knew that hope would always find a way to bloom amidst the darkness.

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