No one's POV

As Inuyasha and the others were finding the Shikon Jewel shards inuyasha noticed something

[Inuyasha] Sniff Sniff I smell blood...
[Miroku] But I didn't sense any demonic aura...
[Inuyasha] and a wolf scent.
[Kagome] Koga!

They ran and saw unconscious wolves and koga

[Inuyasha] What the hell happened here?

[Sango] those marks doesn't look human...

[Kagome] Where are those two?

[Shippo] I found them!

[Kagome] He's unconscious, Inuyasha?

[Inuyasha] what?

[Kagome] can you carry him?

[Inuyasha] What?! No way! I'm not putting this wolf-cub on my back again!

[Sango and Miroku] Just do it Inuyasha

[Inuyasha] Fine...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2023 ⏰

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