First impression

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Aiko is a young girl who desperately needs money. She is 19 years old and no longer lives with her parents. Her parents are poor like her and therefore cannot lend her any money. If she doesn't get a job quickly, she'll end up on the streets. Desperate, she reads the newspaper article as she does every day. Suddenly, she comes across the ad, "Nightguard wanted at Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria." "That sounds perfect, even the money I'll get there sounds fine to me, better than nothing."- she thought. As she drove to the pizzeria with her cheap bike and saw that the Pizzerias door was open, she went in. Suddenly everything goes dark for Aiko. The pizzeria has 3 creepy robots on a stage, and one behind the curtains of an smaller

What is happening? Let me go!
As she is brought to the pizzeria, Aiko's eyes widen in surprise and confusion at the presence of the creepy robots. Aiko gets placed in a small office, with security cameras, and with small robot plushies that look exactly like creepy ones.

The speaker in distorted voice talks
Welcome to your new summer job at Freddy Fazbear's Pizza, where kids and parents alike come for entertainment and food as far as the eye can see! The main attraction is Freddy Fazbear, of course; and his two friends. They are animatronic robots, programmed to please the crowds! The robots' behavior has become somewhat unpredictable at night however, and it was much cheaper to hire you as a security guard than to find a repairman. The speaker stops talking, comes back later to talk

Aiko's eyes widen as she listens to the distorted voice on the speaker. Security guard? Animatronic robots? .. I will find a way to escape this place. She looks around, assessing the situation and trying to come up with a plan.

Aiko looks around the small office, feeling a mix of confusion and determination. She walks over to the security cameras, studying them intently. Ah, these cameras could be useful.

the speaker comes playing again in distortion

From your small office you must watch the security cameras carefully. You have a very limited amount of electricity that you're allowed to use per night (corporate budget cuts, you know). That means when you run out of power for the night- no more security doors and no more lights! If something isn't right- namely if Freddybear or his friends aren't in their proper places, you must find them on the monitors and protect yourself if needed! The speaker turns off completely coming back later at 6 AM.

Aiko listens to the distorted voice, taking in the information and understanding the challenge at hand. She knows that time is of the essence. She carefully observes the monitors, scanning each one for any sign of danger or movement.

One of the scary robots come out from their place, It starts staring at the camera with glowing eyes, giving the most creepiest look on the camera.

Aiko's eyes widen as she sees the creepy robot staring directly at the camera with its glowing eyes. Oh my, that's quite an intimidating look you're giving me, my not-so-friendly friend. But I won't be intimidated so easily. She quickly scans the security cameras, trying to identify the current location of the robot. She takes a deep breath, observing the buttons and the metallic doors before her. So, these buttons control the lights in the hallway and the door to my office, huh? It's a simple yet crucial system. One button is for the light to see if the robot is in hallway and other button for closing the door if the robot is too close to her office, also there is a clock in front of her showing the time 12 AM. She glances at the clock, noting that it's only 12 AM. With determination in her eyes, Aiko decides to monitor the hallway closely, toggling the light on and off periodically, keeping an eye on any potential threats approaching her office.

The speaker turns once more still in distorted voice. Oh I forgot to mention the names of the creepy robots, First one we have the main robots of all robots, Freddy Fazbear and the second is Bonnie the Bunny that is still on stage, the third one is Chica the Chicken who loves pizza, the one is that is giving you the creepiest look, the fourth one is Foxy the Pirate with one his arm being a pirate hook, and is on the smaller stage called the Pirate's Cove, regularly check if he is coming out of his Cove, if he does come out, he will start running at the left door which you will have to close quickly or you will meet your doom. Good Luck.

Aiko listens carefully to the distorted voice, taking note of the names and descriptions of the creepy robots. Freddy Fazbear, Bonnie the Bunny, Chica the Chicken, and Foxy the Pirate, huh? As she absorbs the information, Aiko's focus sharpens. Foxy the Pirate seems to be the one who could pose the most immediate danger if he comes out of Pirate's Cove. I must keep a close eye on him and be ready to close the left door as soon as he starts running. She glances at the clock, noting that time is steadily passing.

The speaker says its last thing before it talks at the end of the night which is 6 AM and right now it's 1 AM.
The robots, specifically animatronics and bots, are artificially-engineered mechanical entities created to automatically bring out a complex series of actions, appearing throughout the Five Nights at Freddy's franchise. They are invented and established by robotics industries, mainly Fazbear Entertainment, Inc., Afton Robotics, LLC, and Fazbear Funtime Service.

Aiko listens attentively to her own murmurs, absorbing the information being relayed by the distorted voice on the speaker. She ponders on the nature of the robots and their creators. How fascinating... These animatronics and bots are a product of advanced engineering and entertainment industries. It's quite impressive how they have been designed to carry out complex actions. She glances at the clock, realizing that several hours remain until the night comes to an end. With the knowledge of their origins in mind, Aiko continues her diligent monitoring of the cameras, aware of the challenges that lie ahead.

The robots still stay on their place, until the clock hits 4 AM, Chica starts moving on the right hallway while Bonnie is on the left hallway, they are both coming at the same time, Power Remaining is 80%.

Aiko's eyes widen as she sees Chica and Bonnie start moving simultaneously. She knows she needs to act quickly to ensure their safety. She reaches for the button to close the right hallway door, using it to prevent Chica from reaching her.

Bonnie appears on the left door, giving her overwhelming creepy look.

Aiko's heart skips a beat as Bonnie's creepy gaze meets her own eyes. She quickly reaches for the button, furiously pressing it to close the left door just in time, preventing Bonnie from entering.
Phew, that was close. But I managed to keep Bonnie at bay.

As she catches her breath, Aiko continues to monitor the cameras, her gaze shifting between the remaining animatronics, determined to navigate through this challenging night.

Chica and Bonnie disappear and the clock hits 6 AM, it gives happy chims, and a happy "yay" sound at the end, but Aiko still stays put until the speaker speakers in better voice.

Congratulations, you passed the first night of your night shift, you will be now moving on your second night shift after I give this message, and more thing remember to pick up your phone that is next to your cameras because we have special guest talking to you, I hope you enjoy Fazbear Entertainment and our lovely pizzeria. See you until the next time.

Aiko sighs with relief as she hears the happy chimes and the announcement of a successful completion of the first night. I did it! I made it through the night!

She looks around the small office, searching for the phone mentioned in the message. Ah, there it is. Let's see what this special guest has to say to us. With a sense of anticipation, Aiko picks up the phone and brings it to her ear, ready to listen to the voice on the other end.

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