❤️‍🩹💔❤️‍🔥 Leave me in the night but dont leave me in the dark

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*casually looks up quotes to use and finds this one*

Also thank you to @LazyDragon1 for requesting this!

I hath nothing else to say, other than the person I'm villainizing in this fic is a GOOD. PERSON. plEASE don't hate on them XD

TW!!: Manipulation, Yandereism (ig), Abuse, Panic attacks, and mentions of SA


(Branzy's POV)

I hummed SAVE the World softly to myself whilst I traveled down the path to my home, my dark gray sneakers crunching into the gravel below my feet. I held the sculk vines and 'grass' in my arms, the rest of my supplies being stored in my inventory.

I looked up at the sun, regretting my decision to not take off my oversized royal purple hoodie before coming out of the caves. I would've rolled up my sleeves had I not cared for the shiny cyan thorns that would stab their way into my forearms. I'm glad I chose to wear my black biker gloves today, otherwise my hands would be covered in scratches and stab wounds.

It feels weird, not being constantly on the watch for someone around the corner. Everyone- no, almost everyone in EchoCraft is really nice, meaning I don't have to wear my usual belt filled with potions. Which, by the way, is really nice because I don't have to feel like I'm wearing a damn corset all the time and can now actually breathe.

I shuffled the sculk into my left arm, using my right to brush some of my braided silver hair behind my ear. Should've brought a scrunchie with me. I held the sculk equally in my arms again so my biceps wounds just die out on me.

I ducked under the familiar spruce leaves that hung over the pathway, letting out a relieved sigh at the sight of my home. Eager to get out of these hot blue jeans and into some cool shorts, I rushed over to the mangrove door.

I went to open it but found it wasn't fully shut. Weird, did I forget to shut the door again before I headed out? I shrugged it off, pushing the door open and stepping inside.

As my sneakers hit the soft mat that I'd put in my entrance, the aroma of Lavender and Honey instantly filled my nose, and I instantly grinned, letting out a pleased sigh at being in my safe space once again.

I struggfully but successfully stepped out of my shoes, looking down the hall for my lil pup. "Sally-Rose, c'mere girl! Pappa's home!" I called for her, questioning why she hadn't heard me. Maybe she was asleep in her kennel? She is a heavy sleeper, no doubt about that, as she'll take 3-hour naps during the day.

I walked down the hall in my purple panda socks, clicking my tongue and calling for her again. As I reached the end, I looked left and into my bedroom, specifically at her kennel. Not there. I have no doubt that she wouldn't be in the kitchen ahead, as she never stays in there to even run around, let alone sleep.

As I looked right and towards the couch - which is probably her favorite spot to sit ever (she still thinks she's a lap dog) - my heart dropped.

She was sitting on that bastard's lap.

Okay well not on his lap, being the German Retriever she is, but she had him pinned down using her top half while asleep, her black-tipped golden ears being relaxed and up.

Meanwhile, he was Petting her ears, looking up at me with that fucking smug smirk. He had his deep ocean blue tipped brown hair back in a ponytail and behind his face, his squid beanie he always wore nowhere to be seen.

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