Chapter 1

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"Ah shit, I'm gonna be late" luhan said jumping into his pants. Walking quickly to the bathroom luhan grabbed his bottle of hair gel and squeezed the bottle only to find that it was almost empty. "Could this day be any worse!" He muttered while striding over to his bathroom. Today was his first day at his dream job, initrode. Seouls best law firm. It paid well and the hours were great. Shaking it off he quickly styled his hair with the little gel he had. "Forget it!" He said washing his hands quickly and slipping his feet in his socks. While walking to his door luhans pinky toe hit the leg of the coffee table "f^ck!" He cursed wincing at the pain in his left foot. Sliding his shoes on he grabbed for his wallet, phone and keys.

Opening the door he looked to his right and then left, far behind him was a man in a clean suit. He was slender and pretty attractive but not his type. As he neared the elevator Luhan rapidly pressed the button. Soon the man neared him looking straight at the door of the elevator. Luhans focus was still on the button.

Finally, one opened. The one in front of the man. Since the man stood in the middle luhan decided to squeeze in on the right. Luhan nodded at the man and made a faint smile at the man. he did the same, but without a smile.

Walking quickly out of the building luhan tried his best to avoid bumping into the moving bodies. He did pretty well since there weren't as many people out in the morning. as he reached a big intersection he saw the same person he saw in the apartment.

"Is he following me?" Luhan mumbled silently.

Crossing the intersection luhan could still hear the footsteps of the man. fastening his pace luhan walked faster. After a couple more turns he was still following luhan. Ready to confront him, luhan took a deep breath and turned around on his tip. Afraid of what was going to happen he did it anyways.

"WHY ARE YOU FOLLOWING ME?!" The words came out flying harsh and loud.

"I didn't mean to bother you but I also work here and happen to live in your apparent." He said in a monotone voice.

"Oh yeah? What position?" Luhan had been hired as the lead attorney, the highest level.

"The acting president of course. You would know that if you were really hired there." he bluntly said. luhans mouth hung wide open.


'No way. what he just say?! Did I hear it wrong??' Thoughts rummaged through my head the longer I stood there the more that came in.

"Acting president." The man said again with breaths between the words.

'Shit I did mess up this time!' I thought

"Oh, well I'm sorry." I said steeping back and Bowing down.

'fuck my first day and I already have a bad reputation with the acting president.'

"Mhmm." then he continued walking.

'We're not going to get along well.' i thought. with a long sigh I walked on into the building. everyone was standing up and greeting the so called 'CEO'. I immediately went to my floor and sat at my desk. exhausted by all the walking, my body spreaded out on my desk. 'What the literal fuck.'

After five minutes of nothing I got a call and picked it up quickly.

"Is this luhan?" a voice said.

"Ah yes." I said as thoughts came into my head. 'fuck I'm going to get fired! great going luhan'

"Will you please come to level 50." the voice said.

'Oh man I really did it this time! That's the bosses level!'

"Yes I will come right away." before going I stuffed grapes into my pocket, just to eat them on the way there. as the elevator opened no one was there, and thankfully no one was. "thanks luhan now you're going to sleep on the streets!" I said aloud. as I got on level 25 I popped a grape into my mouth. "what's next to come?" I said.

"Ah thanks for coming luhan." the boss said.

"No problem," I said as I shook his hand. His shake was a firm tight grasp.

"This is Sehun, my son." Mr. Oh said.

'Oh fuck he's not kidding at all.'
I took a gulp of my saliva and shoved it down my throat.
"Well nice to meet you Sehun." I took my hand and placed it out for him to shake.

"You too." his tone hadn't changed at all but his facial expression did a bit... his lips were curved up a bit and his cheeks rose. wait, was he smiling? Wow he's actually looks really cute smiling...

'Get a hold of yourself luhan!' I thought

"Anyway, Sehun asked me if you'd help him do a couple of things here and there."

'Great why don't you just ask me to be his personal assistant?'

"I'd be glad to" I said instead.

"Great I hope you guys will get along well." Mr. Oh looked at his watch. "Well I have to get going, I'll see you later." you waved off to Mr. Oh and soon you and sehun were left alone.

"So where do you want to go out for lunch later." Sehuns voice said breaking the silence.

"What? you're asking me to lunch? You've already made me your assistant and now you want me to go to lunch with you?"

"It wasn't a question" Sehun said in a firm voice. You looked up and down at him. all you could think of was crazy. is he crazy?

After thinking a bit I needed this job. I had to pay off the the debt of the apartment money I owed to the owner. the pay was better than my last job also.

"Okay," I said after giving in. "where are we going"

A slight smile appeared on Sehuns face. wait was that a smirk? No it couldn't be. He wouldn't be into guys he's too handsome.

"You'll see." with that Sehun left the room. I followed him into the elevator and stepped in with him.
You have reached the end of the first chapter! I promise to have at least 600 words or more for each chapter! I hope you guys liked this and enjoy reading it! I will try my best to update fast, but it will take me some time to time of scenarios. If you liked the first chapter than please add it to your library and share it with your friends! All comments are welcome just none bad though please lol. Love you guys and pleas support me in my writing! Bye!~

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