1) Chiron's Surprise

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      It was the day before summer ended. I was walking toward the beach, my arm around Annabeth. She had a blindfold on. 

     "Where are you taking me, Seaweed Brain?" Annabeth asked as she stumbled over some pebbles. 

     "That's a surprise, Wise Girl" I already knew she knew where we were. The salty warm breeze blew through our hair as I stopped Annabeth.

     "Okay," I position myself over the picnic I had prepared for us. Sandwiches, chips, and some disguised Coke. I had a Hermes Kid sneak the Coke in for me. 

     "You can take off your blindfold now." I grin ear to ear as Annabeth looks down and smiles. 

     "Babe, you didn't have to do this!" I motion her to sit down while opening up a bag of chips.

     "Come on, it's our last day together at camp before I return to Goode. Let me spoil you," I give her a peck on the cheek before biting into my sandwich. 

     "I wish you didn't have to go back," Annabeth sighed. Ever since we'd gotten back, Annabeth and I haven't left each other's side. 

     "Hey," I hold her hand, "I'll be back before you know it! And you can always call me on this new thing." I bring out the phone Leo had given each one of us before Jason, Frank, and Hazel left for Camp Jupiter. He had specially programmed it to be anti-monster. Apparently, it was simple for him to do.

     "I know, I know," Annabeth let go and took a sip of her Coke. "It's just that I just got you all to myself, and now you have to leave again." She took a chip out of the bag and ate it as she lay on the blanket. Before she could reach for another one, I jumped on her. 

     "Well, get enough of me while you can!" I looked at her with a goofy grin.

     "Percy, get off of me! I'm trying to get some chips," she giggled. 

     "Here," I grab a chip from the bag and shove it into her mouth. She flashed me an annoyed as she chewed. Before she could shove me off, Piper strolls up to us. 

     "Oh my gods, you guys are so cute!" Annabeth and I quickly stand up to greet her. I glance at Annabeth to spot slight blush on her cheeks. 

     "Hey Pipes, what's up?" I ask her, trying to change the topic. 

     "Oh yeah, I almost forgot what I came over for," She looks over at the Big House, "Chiron wants us to meet him at the Big House. By us, I mean you guys, me, and Leo. He said he has a surprise!"

     Annabeth and I glance at each other. "A surprise?" Annabeth asks, "What's it about?" She crosses her arms.

     "I don't know he didn't specify, come on so we can find out!" Piper starts walking towards the Big House. I grab Annabeth's hand and pull her along as I follow Piper. Annabeth tightens her grip as we get closer. She's never enjoyed surprises. Especially now. She's been more anxious ever since we'd fallen into Tartarus. As we step up on the porch, Chiron and Leo are already sitting around a table. Chiron is in his mortal form staring at Leo, confused as he is awkwardly trying to make conversation.

     "Finally, you guys are here!" Leo let out a sigh. 

     "Hey Leo," I dap Leo up as we all sit down and greet Chiron.

     "Good Afternoon, Children," Chiron smiles at us.

     "So, what's the big surprise?" Annabeth anxiously asks. Her eyes sparkled with curiosity as I stared into them. 

     "Well, ahem, Percy," I snap out of the trance and look at Chiron feeling a little red. "I have decided to let you guys go for the school year, and if things go according to plan, the rest of your lives!" We all stare at him like he's crazy. 

     "Leave camp! What about monsters, Chiron we are still unable to live out in the real world," Annabeth pursed her lips with worry. I grab her hand to calm her down. 

     "Yeah, Chiron, no offense, but that's crazy!" Leo exclaimed. We all nod in agreement.

      "I know, I know," Chiron puts his arms up as if to surrender, "Fortunately, the Gods have been gracious enough to gift you guys this." He drops four bracelets on the table. They are silver chains each, with a charm in the middle. Each charm has different symbols engraved in the center, fire, heart, owl, and trident. We all clearly understood who's is who's and grabbed our corresponding bracelets. 

     "What are these?" Piper asked as she clipped hers on. The engraved heart glowed a rosy pink as she finally got it on.

     "Protection," Chiron explained, "They each have magic in them meant to ward off monsters." 

     "Cool," I say while admiring mine. The trident glowed a sea-green color now that I had it on. 

    "With these, I hope you four can enjoy life outside of camp and go to school. Speaking of school, I have enrolled all of you in Goode High School!" Chiron looked at us to see our reactions. Our faces quickly lit up. 

     "That sounds amazing!" Annabeth grinned, "But where would all four of us stay?" 

     "Don't you worry about that. The camp has bought you all a house in New York City. Argus will drive you all down tomorrow at noon, so you better get packing." Chiron got off the porch and transformed into his immortal form before saying, "Now, if you excuse me, I have archery lessons," and trotted off.

     "Well, we better get packing!" I exclaimed as we got up and went to our cabins.

thank you for reading <3 

please if you guys have any suggestions/recommendations i would really appreciate it !

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2023 ⏰

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