𝕎𝕖𝕣𝕖𝕨𝕠𝕝𝕧𝕖𝕤 | ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟚

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Ashley sat with Pearlie a little bit away from her brother and the Aceys. Town Hall was in chaos after the revelation of werewolves. Bucky was yelling out lies and random things.

"Werewolves are real! I always, always said the stories of monsters in the forest were real. And no one believed me." Bucky said, before he sat down with a pout.

"I thought werewolves were just myths." Stacey complained.

Ashley and Pearlie leaned forward in their seats to look at them.

"Yeah, like cavities." Jacey said with a smile, but the other two Aceys and Bucky just looked at him in confusion, and his face fell. "Those are real too?"

"Werewolves, ew. I really hope my allergies don't act up." Lacey said, her body tense as she popped the p.

Pearlie and Ashley shared a look before rolling their eyes. Noah Wood then came up to them, and he sat down on the other side of Pearlie.

"Hey." Pearlie said, smiling at Noah, who smiled back at her.

"Hey." Noah muttered, before he leaned over to Ashley and lowered his voice. "So, Ash, was there really werewolves?"

"Look, I don't know what I saw, but I swear it was a werewolf. I even saw one, and watched it howl." Ashley said as she lowered his voice as well.

"I believe you. Let's just hope they don't want anything to do with us." Noah said, sitting back up.

The three of them looked around and watched as Zoey spoke to her dad about getting a were-friend for her class. Ashley then noticed Zeke and Azurie walking towards them, so she stood up and gave Azurie a hug. Azurie was like an older sister to Ashley, and the zombie was only about 3 months older than the human girl.

"You ok?" Azurie muttered into Ashley hair, as she wrapped her arms around her neck, and Ashley wrapped her arms around Azurie waist.

"Yeah, just a little on edge." Ashley said as she and Azurie pulled away.

Zeke walked up to Noah and did a bro-shake before sitting down next to him. Ashley sat back down, and Azurie sat down next to Ashley. They all sat in silence, but suddenly Ashley's aunt, Missy, went up to her podium as Mayor of Seabrook and slammed the gavel down.

"By order of city council, effective immediately, all anti-monster laws are reinstated." Missy said with a determined look.

Ashley's eyes widened in shock as she looked to her two zombie friends, who also had wide eyes. Ashley watched as Zed stood up quickly from his spot next to his father and rushed down to Addison's side. Ashley looked at Azurie in sadness. She knew that Noah was going to ask Pearlie to the dance, and Zeke was going to ask Eliza, so the two girls had planned for them to just hang out together. Of course, Ashley had many guys who wanted to go with her, but her because of her brother none of them have ever gotten past the introduction stage. Azurie wasn't ready to find love, and she wanted to focus more on her friends before she was off to college.

Ashley suddenly got up in sadness as she walked away, while her friends just watched as she left in sadness. She walked past Zed and Addison, and she patted Zed's shoulder comfortingly, and he smiled slightly at her. Azurie and Pearlie glanced at each other, before Zeke stood up.

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