Chapter 1: Friends? Rivals? Or None Of The Above

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Spring, April 23rd, 2011. 8:54 PM.

"Is this really for the best?" The green-haired guy turned to the black-haired one, his expression indicating his nervousness about their decision. Both of the second-years remained silent, not sure if they were making the right choice. The green-haired guy continued to wait for a response, trying to gather courage for whatever choice they must make next.

The black haired guy nodded in response, while the green haired guy looked up at the stars, deep in thought. He seemed to be considering something, then he spoke again.

"If that's what you think, then us breaking up has some good reasons." The green haired guy then began to walk behind the black haired, looking at the opposite direction as him. "See you, Suguru." The black haired turned to look at The green haired guy. "Good luck on the future ahead of you, Tetsu." The green haired responded in a melancholic tone


Spring, April 4th, 2012. 2:08 PM

At a Nekoma and Nohebi practice match.

"Another day, another bickering for these two idiots." Yaku said, pissed off and tired, as Kai nodded in agreement. "And the coach seems to have no problems with it too." Kai grumbles, adding to their conversation.

"Hmmm..." Hiroo thought, analyzing both captains. "They look like a married couple." Hiroo shared his observation, causing Yaku and Kai to erupt into laughter. "Now that you mention it, they really do!" Yaku said, still giggling.

Kuroo then noticed that both of his third year teammates were talking to Hiroo, who was from the other team. "Seriously, have you already bonded with these snakes? What, are you gonna replace me already?!" Kuroo teased. "Maybe leave your teammates alone? Plus, so what if they bonded." Daishou added, making Kuroo pissed off.

"You really know how to make me angry, don't you Snake!" "Oh, is the cat upset?" Kuroo and Daishou argued once more. "I won't let you win this match, Snake!" Kuroo said confidently, determined to defeat Daishou. "Oh, aren't you a sly one?" Daishou glared, looking irritated. "I don't know who's worse, Karasuno's 9 and 11 or them." Yaku sighed, now focused back on the match.

"Just to be clear, no need to take it seriously." Hiroo stated, looking at Daishou who seemed to be getting too intense about the practice match. Daishou felt embarrassed, glancing away for a moment. "Just relax. It's just a practice match, no need to be that intense." Hiroo said to the two captains, hoping that his words would be taken into consideration. Yaku and Kai nodded in agreement, as they looked back towards the court, ready for the next play.

"Nice win, Guys!" Kuroo gloated, teasing Daishou as they all left the gym. Daishou, who was still trying to stay nonchalant after the match, ignored Kuroo's taunt. "Give it up, Daishou. You're just making yourself look like a sore loser." Hiroo said, pulling his teammate away. Despite hearing Daishou grumbling from afar, Hiroo remained unfazed. "Hah! Eat dirt!" Kuroo laughed as they continued to walk out of the gym.

"You must have been close to the Nohebi captain." Lev said to Kuroo, seemingly amazed at his friendships with other team captains. "No, we aren't close," Kuroo denied. "Didn't you form a friendship with Daishou back in your 1st years?" Kenma inquired, referencing Kuroo calling someone "Suguru" in a phone call he was told not to listen in on. "Woah really?" Yaku and Kai were suspicious, looking at Kuroo for answers.

"What?!" Kuroo protested, in disbelief toward Kenma's comment. "You got the wrong Suguru!" He exclaimed, still trying to avoiding Kenma's question. "You can't just avoid the question, Captain!" Lev added, tapping Kuroo's shoulder. "Yeah," Kai agreed. "We were not...and still aren't friends." Kuroo said, walking away. "What a dramatic guy," Kenma sighed, referring to Kuroo who was still walking in front of them.

Spring, April 9th, 2012. 7:12 AM.

"Any reason why Kuroo isn't with you?" Yaku inquired. "I told him I wanted to go alone." Kenma answered back. "And he agreed?" Kai added, continuing the conversation as Lev continued as well. "That's so rare for captain!" Lev exclaimed. Yaku, Lev, Kenma and Kai were walking to school, having a small conversation until they heard a familiar name coming from someone's complaints. With a peek of curiosity, they looked over to see who the people were and they saw some Nohebi players.

"Dang, are they trash talking about Daishou?" Yaku whispered, keeping his voice down to avoid being overheard. "Probably," Kenma answered back quietly. "I feel worried about the captain," a Nohebi player exclaimed. "No need to worry, they're more like...worry talking about Daishou," Yaku whispered, attempting to stay out of earshot. "Well, why are you worried about him, Sakijima?" Seguro inquired. "I don't know...well I sympathize with him 'cause I heard that he and the captain of Nekoma were once friends," Sakijima responds. "Well, we knew it," Yaku, Kenma, Lev and Kai whisper to each other.

"Really?" The Nohebi players looked towards Yamamoto and Fukunaga who both heard it loud and clear. "Aren't you both number 4 and 5 in Nekoma?" Takachiho inquired, pointing at the two Nekoma students. "Yamamoto and Fukunaga?" Kai whispered. "I heard from Mika they once dated or something," Yamamoto spoke up. "What?!" Both Nohebi and Nekoma expressed their surprise simultaneously, not that loud, yet loud enough for the other team to hear.

The Nohebi players turned their attention towards the four Nekoma players who had been eavesdropping on their conversation. "What the-" Sakijima attempted to speak up but was quickly silenced by Kuguri who said, "See, this is why we shouldn't talk about Nohebi things in an obvious place near Nekoma." Sakijima looked embarrassed and apologetic as He interjected with, "Oops haha sorry" to deescalate the situation.

"So...back to the topic of our captains basically dating?" Hiroo asked, implying the topic of the discussion. "I agree. It's none of my business, but I am curious as to how their relationship ended," Yaku replied, indicating his thoughts towards the subject at hand. Kenma confirmed his agreement with Yaku's response, expressing his curiosity towards Kuroo and Daishou's past, showing that they both shared the same sentiments regarding the matter.

"Well...we have classes, so how about we all exchange emails and come back here after school ends or tomorrow morning again?" Lev suggested as the group agreed, exchanging their emails. "I don't even know why we're curious about this," Akama stated, expressing his confusion. "Agreed, but at least I get to use something to tease Daishou with," Hiroo replied, as he grinned at the opportunity. "We feel you, too," both Kai and Yaku concurred, adding that they also intended to use the information to tease Kuroo with.

Chapter 1 -Ended.

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