💬Chapter 5: Newfound Friends🪡

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(image above is from MIRACULOUS REFERENCE on tumblr, please check them out! the external link below the chapter should redirect you to their post)

The streets of Paris thankfully aren't too busy at this hour today, so the calm environment around you and Adrien is pleasant to experience while talking. No loud cars or too many people.. it's nice. 

You don't talk about too much considering you both aren't quite used to one another just yet. The topics are typical, like the weather or school assignments. But then those topics bled into other topics, which brings you to a memory you recall. 

"And so I invited Chloe to visit with me one day, right? We go in for a while, say hi to the animals and all- and then when we're on the way I catch her trying to sneak not one, not two, but THREE of the puppies out, two in her arms and one in the bag she brought with her. She cried when she had to bring them back in, but I made it up to her by treating her to ice cream." 

You smile, fondly remembering when you brought Chloe with you to one of your family's animal shelters. 

Adrien snickers, letting out a quick laugh. "Honestly, I could see that happening while we were kids. Actually, I could see that happening now." He smiles, grabbing his phone and checking for any new messages.

"Yeah..she hasn't changed much." You check yours as well, responding to Chloe's texts and sending a picture of the sky to her before posting it on social media. 

"I can't believe we never met while we were kids, being as close to Chloe as we were." He looks over at you after putting his phone away. 

You turn your head towards him to reply. "I know. I guess our families just preferred to stay in their separate circles." 

"Yeah.. my father definitely did then, he still does now."

"..How is Mr. Agreste, by the way? Nobody's really seen him around since.. well, you know."

"Honestly? I..I don't really know how Father is doing. I rarely get the chance to see him, let alone talk to him. He's always working on something, never having time for me. At least I have Nathalie, she's always been there for me." He smiles, but you catch a hint of sadness in his eyes. 

"I'm sorry to hear that, Adrien.. Hopefully he'll turn around sometime soon."

"It'd be nice, but..I think it'd take a miracle for that to happen." He looks down at the ground. 

You put your hand on his shoulder, stopping as he turns back to you, raising a brow. 

"..If you need somebody to talk to about anything, you can talk to me if you want. I might not be the best at words, but..well, I can at least lend an ear, y'know?"

For a moment it seems like his eyes begin to sparkle, before he smiles, appreciating the gesture. "Thanks. Though, hopefully our conversations won't just be about issues."

"Of course not, dude. We can talk about anything."

And you both leave it at that, continuing to walk until you see Marinette's bakery just up ahead.

"Welp, here we are."

"I swear, that walk felt longer than usual."

"You'd think it'd go by quicker since we were talking- but I don't mind it that much." 

"Me neither." 

You both approach the front doors, saying hello to Sabine and Tom as Marinette rushes down from her room.

"Hello, Adrien- oh, you came along too?" 

"Yeah, I wanted to see what kind of pastries were for sale today. I also kinda need to talk to you.." You whisper that last part, and Marinette catches it, understanding. 

(Debating Canceling)"So, the new Ladybug..is a boy?" Chat Noir/Adrien x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now