like I care

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Tw: suicide, breakdowns, verbal and emotional abuse. Mentions of physical abuse. Audio Hallucinations? Basically do not read if you are sensitive to these topics you have been warned

Like I care

"C'mon luci let's go play", a childish wish from a younger brother craving the attention of his caretaker, his grip oh so tight almost removing the circulation from the eldest arm causing pain tho not a lot.  "Not now Mammon" the elder spoke trying to pry him off, "I am busy a little later alright?" The child just whines. "But luci...! Non of our other brothers wanna play, plus you always focus on your work!! Just play with me please luci" he looks like he'd cry if not give the attention,  the elder tries all with his might eventually givimg in. His brother refused to let up, forcing him to be unable to do anything but allow the young angel to have his way.

"Alright I' with you.."






"Lucifer?" Mammon slowly walked into the avatar of pride's room, a sheepish look upon his face. "I was thinking maybe just us to can spend time together? I mean your always focused on your work and I the GREAT Mammon think you should take a break at least for today ya?" Oh the annoyance Lucifer felt, how dare the destructive brother inturpt his work. He had very important papers and couldn't turn them away, they are very much more important than whatever money making scheme Mammon was thinking of making into some silly game. "No Mammon I'm not in the mood, my work is very much important as of current which must be done as soon as possible" he responds glaring at the tanned male. "But Lucifer I really think you need a break. Take some time to play a game with me your little brother?" "NO mammon. If you do not have anything of importance to tell me then leave." Oh how Lucifer will come to regret those words. "....fine" the former angel of charity leaves the scene, saddened his older brother rather kiss up to 'Diavolo than spend time with him. Bah like he cares.







Like he cares
"Mammy read that book to me again, the one about the prince and the Knight" a blond haired spawnling spoke, hands holding up his favorite children's book up to his older brother/mother figure. He was no older than a 6yo in human terms, a young impressionable 6yo at that high hopes high potential high... wrath. Oh sweet baby he was. 'Mammy' just smiled at his youngest sibling, strong tanned arms bringing the child into the elders chest kissing his head followed by a friendly laugh which radiated through the whole of HOL. "Of course I'll read to Ya tan tan!" The avatar grins oh how his heart fluttered and swelled, never could Mammon ever say no to Satan. "Do you want to read in your room or the library?" No answer was truly needed, 'Mammy' already knew. "library library!"







A frustrated Satan searched everywhere far and wide for his missing book. Where was it? Who could have took it? It could not have been some low life demon! Of course not this was HIS private library after all only he, his brothers, Diavolo + Barbados, and in few RARE occasions the exchange students could enter! Who in the world could have taken his book...Who would dare have the audaci- "MAMMON!!" Shifting quickly into his demon form the 4th brother avatar of wrath would go looking for the 2nd born with an undying force a desire to eliminate the thieving scumbag. He spots Beel, Levi, and Asmo all hanging out playing one of Levi's video games. Rare. "What's got your panties in a twist?" Questions Asmo raising his brow.. "let me guess the scumbag stole from You?" Levi huffed "yeah he stole from me to! I can't find my limited edition ruru-chan fighters game anywhere! Ugh!" "And my perfume and nail set" the 2 OBNOXIOUS siblings spoke both seething with hate. Beel just stayed quiet. "Have any of you seen Mammon at least!?" Everyone shrugged where was mammon no one knows. Annoyed, Satan retracts his demon form to instead visit Lucifer, man's pulling a snitch like Levi does. It's not like he cares about what happens to mammon.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2023 ⏰

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