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Minho was well versed in the many types of forbidden love, mostly because he checked off many boxes when it came to his type. Firstly, and the most outrageous to his parents, was the fact that he was gay. Then there was the issue that Minho was the 3rd in line to become king of his nation and he had no interest in the people his family tried to set him up with. He much preferred to conceal his identity in a dark hood and mingle with normal people at the pub, a habit that only his younger brother knew of. Lastly, his most recent interest made his living in not-so-legal ways.

It was an early Wednesday morning when his only younger brother, Felix came into Minho's room with a furrowed brow. Even in his anger, Felix never managed to look intimidating. The bond they had was closer than with any of their other siblings and it was one they often fell back on when things became too much to handle.

Minho tossed the book he was reading aside upon hearing Felix enter, raising one eyebrow as if to ask where his rage was coming from.

Felix huffed out. "Your man is here, causing a scene downstairs."

"Ah, lovely," Minho responded, a small smile twisting his lips upward as he stood from the chair tucked into the corner of his room. That did sound like Jisung, always demanding attention wherever he went no matter how discreet he was supposed to be. That is, until he was on a job. Then he was quiet silent. Deadly so, one might say. "Tell him to come up,"

"I'm not your maid," Felix grumbled, instead taking a seat on Minho's bed. His usually kind eyes were now narrowing at Minho in defiance.

Minho ruffled Felix his hair on his way out to greet Jisung, and to pull him out of the dispute he had gotten himself into. It wasn't exactly an uncommon occurrence for Jisung to sneak in and cause a little bit of trouble before inevitably relying on Minho to make up some excuse for him.

"How the hell do you keep getting in here?" Minho heard his oldest brother, who they nicknamed Prince, cursing as he descended the stairs.

Jisung popped a grape into his mouth before answering. "These are wonderful, where did you buy them?"

Minho held back for a moment, peering out from behind the wall that seperated the kitchen from the hall. Jisung was sitting on the counter as he stared into Prince's eyes with a cocky grin. His outfit was all black except for the hidden silver necklace that Minho knew he had tucked under his shirt. The shirt was tight fitting to the point Minho could make out the muscles in his arms, but the pants were slightly looser to offer more mobility. His chocolate brown hair was pushed away from his face with a black headband, but a few stray locks fell in front of his eyes.

"Ah, right," Jisung continued. "My apologies, your highness. I should've remembered that you don't do your own shopping."

The sarcasm in Jisung's voice only served to infuriate him further, but Minho had always found it charming.

"I don't know who you think you are," His brother started with gritted teeth and a stare that could burn through steel. "But that is no way to talk to the future king!"

Jisung threw his head back as he laughed, his eyes screwing shut while Prince bawled his hands into fists. Minho decided now was the time to step in before it escalated any further because Jisung never knew when to stop.

"Jisung!" He beamed, waltzing into the kitchen and leaning on the counter Jisung was lazing one. "How have you been, darling?"

"Minho," Prince seethed. "Do you know this nuisance?"

"Yes, of course," Minho batted his eyes at Jisung. "He's our esteemed guest."

"Esteemed," His brother rolled his eyes. "Do us all a favor and socialize with your friends outside of the palace walls next time. Especially if they act like this."

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