🐞Chapter 6: Are You Sure About This?🌠

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"You- you what?" Marinette stands beside the trap door, her mouth open and eyes widened. 

"I want to be the holder of the Ladybug earrings." You repeat, your expression shifting from serious to calm. 

"What happened to 'I hope this is just gonna be a one-time thing'?-" She raises a brow, walking over to you.

"Well, I took a bit to think about it, and decided that I want to try out holding the earrings again. I can't really give a proper reason why..well, other than it gave a huge adrenaline rush."

"I see..but you know, if you go through with this, there are serious responsibilities you have to keep up with. You'll be in danger constantly, with how frequent akuma attacks are."

"I understand that. The 'With great power comes great responsibility' stuff." 

"I mean I am thrilled that you actually want to do this, but..I want to make sure that you're ready to keep the earrings."

"How so?" You tilt your head, resting it on the palm of your left hand.

Marinette grabs a small box similar to the one her Ladybug earrings were in before turning to you. 

"In this box are some replica earrings that look identical to Ladybug's. I want you to hold onto this box for the rest of the day. If you can manage to keep them completely safe and on you at all times up until after school tomorrow, I'll let you keep the real ones. Sound simple enough?"

"Yeah, I think I can handle that." You smile.

"Good, then it shouldn't be too difficult of a task." She gives you the box carefully, placing it in your hands. 

"I'll get them back to you, I promise." You have a determined look in your eyes, not wanting to disappoint her. 

"Well, let's see if you can keep that promise." She raises a brow, smiling.

You nod, before getting up. "Hey, uh, we should trade numbers so I'll know where you are after school tomorrow. Plus, you never know, we could chat about something at the most random hours." 

"Alright, that sounds fun." She takes out her phone, handing it to you so you can put your number in. You shoot her a text, then allow her to give you a custom nickname. 

You save hers, deciding to nickname her as "Mari🎀".

"There we go, we can chat at any time now." 

"I'd better get home before my mom starts to worry, I'll see you tomorrow, Marinette."

"See you then." She waves before sitting down at her desk, turning on her monitor as you walk back downstairs, greeting Sabine and Tom before picking out some pastries to start the walk home.


Footsteps are heard moving across the rooftops. A jump, something hitting the ground, a swift movement through the air, and the sound of impact against yet another roof. 

The stars shine brightly in the moonlit Paris sky as Chat Noir stands alone, admiring their beauty. The cool night air has a nice feel to it on his face, his hero costume keeping him warm. His hair slightly blows in the cool breeze. As he looks up, his bright green eyes (which appear more cat-like thanks to the magic of his costume) have a slight glow to them.

"If only I could admire these stars with my lady standing right beside me.." He frowns, looking down at his hands, imagining the dust and broken fragments of objects still on his hands accompanied by raindrops, before his vision returns to the current time. 

He sits on the edge of the rooftop he was standing on, dangling his legs down, kicking them back and forth.

"Well..I suppose I am a little kitty on the roof, all alone without his lady after all.."

He rests his elbow on his leg, resting his cheek on his right palm as he looks back to the sky, the stars still twinkling overhead. 

His thoughts are all over the place. Why did she have to get hurt? None of this would've happened if she hadn't gotten hurt. Things would've been fine. They could be partners, like always. They could stop akumas together, like always. She could smile at him right before she leaves, leaving him still wanting to reach out to her.. like always.. 

He can't deal with this on his own.

He HAS to talk to her. 

He stands up, extending his staff and moving upwards with it, getting a good view of the area. He spots Marinette on her balcony, and moves over there, landing on the railing around it. 

"Chat." She sounds surprised, moving a bit so he has room. "I didn't know you'd show up." 

"Sorry to show up unannounced, I just..really need to talk to you. Is that okay?"

"Of course. You can always talk to me." She smiles at him, and he gives a half smile in response.

He sits on the rail beside her, looking out at the lights of the city. 

"Are you ever going to consider..being Ladybug again?" He glances over without turning his head, Marinette still looking forward.

"I thought about it a few times, but..every time I consider transforming I'm just..reminded of yesterday. I'm scared, Chat. I don't think I can do it again. The risks of being Ladybug are just..too much for me. The role should be given to someone who can handle those risks better than me." She rests her arms on the rail.

"But you've been Ladybug for so long, and..I don't want to lose you as my partner."

"You won't lose me, Chat. I'm still..me, even if I'm not in costume." She frowns. 

"It just..it wouldn't feel the same."

"I know that, Chat." She turns to him. "But I'm just not ready for that commitment again." 

"And what about my feelings? You know how..how I feel about you."

"I do. But Chat..you love Ladybug. The idea of Ladybug. You don't love me. And..that Ladybug is gone." 

He furrows his brows, which moves his mask a bit to demonstrate. 

"And I know it'll be hard to adjust to whoever assumes the role of Ladybug next, but..please. Try to work with them. I'm here when you need to talk about anything."

She puts her hand over his, before turning him so she can hug him properly. 

"Thank you for being my partner for so long, Chat..."

"..Thank you for making so many memories with me, m'lady."

There's a moment of silence before they break their hug, looking at each other. 

"Are you really sure about this?"

"For now..yes, yes I am."

A few hours pass as the two of them continue to talk. 

Meanwhile, you sit at home, looking at the box of earrings in your hand before resting them on your sketchbook, doodling a small sketch as the lights downstairs turn off. 

(Debating Canceling)"So, the new Ladybug..is a boy?" Chat Noir/Adrien x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now