- 𝙁𝙖𝙣𝙨𝙞𝙜𝙣 -

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Inspired by NMIXX's recent fansign when Lily didn't get any gifts. (pls I feel so bad for her 😭💗)

I hope this chapter won't offend any nswers I truly feel bad for Lily in that fan sign like she's so precious how could anyone not given her anything. 😕

But in this story this is Stray kids's first fansign. 😋

Don't judge if it's called something other than 'fansign' cuz  I truly don't know HSHSHSHSHS.

Jeongin's POV :

I was so excited for Stray Kids's first fansign this is our first time and I can't wait to meet stays. I saw alot of groups doing this and got gifts from fans. I wonder what gifts stays prepared for us.

Anyway, we went to the seat area thingy (idk what it's called) where there's a long table in front of us connected (IDK HOW TO DESCRIBE THE TABLE WHERE THEY PUT THE GIFTS HELP) and that's suppose to be where stays can give us gifts.

The staff told us where to sit and we went to our assigned seats. We greeted the fans then stays went up the stage we were on one by one and supposedly to give us the things aka gifts they prepared.

Alot of stays skipped me which made me slightly disappointed. In the end, I didn't get any gifts which made me sad but I didn't want anyone to notice so I kept quiet the whole time.

After fans gave their gifts, I glanced at the members who were checking their gifts out and I felt bored and left out not getting any.

Seungmin's POV :

I was playing with my gifts that stays gave me and it was so cool. I got alot! I turned to Jeongin's direction since he was next to me and saw him zoning out and didn't have any gifts. I felt bad for him so I tapoed him on his shoulder. He jumped but then turned back to my direction. "Hey are you okay?" I asked him "I'm bored I got no gifts, stays didn't give me anything..." He replied with a pout.

I chuckled at his pout then dragged most of my gifts to him. "Here play these with me, you can also keep some of them if you want!" He was slightly shocked at my sudden action but he smiled anyway and we both played with my gifts.

The way his eyes light up at my offer was adorable. "I wanna keep this one, it looks like you!" He said while holding a pochacco plushie. "Of course whatever you want to keep, take it. Seeing you happy makes me happy" I said with a smile. he also smiled back and chuckled.

After the fansign, Jeongin seemed to be really grateful for what I did earlier since he's being really clingy towards me. Clingier than usual because last time I checked he'd never let me hug him but now he's the one hugging me. Currently we are in the car heading back home after the fansign. Jeongin is now having his head on my shoulder and his arms wrapped around my waist. Nonetheless I accepted his touch and place my head on top of his.

"You're clingier than usual" I lowly whispered to him. "I'm just happy that you shared your gifts with me instead of just leaving me there with nothing to do than just zoning out waiting for it to end" I smiled at his words, glad I managed to cheer him up. Few minutes later he fell asleep.

I felt a tap on my shoulder then turned around, it was just Han. "Need something?" I asked him. "Just asking what did you do to him that's making him really clingy and only towards you? Please, usually he would accept my hugs but he rejected them earlier when we were backstage!" I chuckled at his nagging. "I guess I just did something really nice like not ignoring him?" Han stayed silent after that then layed his head on the window next to him.

"Say sorry to Jeongin for me when he wakes up will ya? I know that he didn't get anything earlier, I felt bad for not doing anything..." Han said then looked out the window. "Alright hyung"

— The End —
Short? Ik but I just got no motivation today bro. 😭


SO BASICALLY THIS IS 1/3 SO slay 2 more to do 😋

Spoiler for the next story's title 👀

It's only one word.

It's a 5 letter word.

Starts and ends with H.

It's like similar to rough but in personality? Like a mixture of mean and rough.

Try guessing in the comment thingy 😋

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