- 𝙃𝙖𝙧𝙨𝙝 -

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Istg I love writing enemies to lovers 😭

Also did you guessed the title right? 👀


Jeongin's POV :

Right now I'm in the cafeteria eating my lunch alone and quietly. I don't like any disturbance when I'm eating or I don't want any disturbances at all. I like being alone. It's better that way, having so called friends is difficult.

Anyway, when I was dine eating I got up to throw my tray but then was stopped by a hand grabbing my wrist preventing me to go to the trash where I was about to throw my tray.

I turned around to see who could the hand belong to then I saw the one and only Kim Seungmin and his two minions, Minho and Hyunjin who were like older than him but surprisingly Seungmin made them his 'sidekicks'. "So, Where you headed to pretty face?" He asked me with his teasing tone. "Uhm to the trash bin and throw my tray?" He chuckled at my response.

I gave him an annoyed glare. "Aww, what's with the look, Getting tired of me already?" He says with his teasing annoying tone then his two 'sidekicks' laughs. I ignored 3 of them and threw my tray in the bin then headed to the locker area.

Just then I was stopped by Minho, one of Seungmin's minions. "You need anything, sidekick?" I asked him and he gave me a glare. "You know, I wonder if you have any other job than bothering people with the help of Seungmin" I smirked while I proudly said that. "You're lucky that Seungmin spared you when you walked away from him, otherwise you would've gotten badly hurt!" Hold up, his tone seemed odd... Is he worried? "W-what do you mean?"

I decided to be serious also. "You might not know alot since you got no friends- but uh yea Seungmin is worser than you think, he beats up people for fun and also says alot of racist stuff but he's uhm nice?" Uhm now I'm confused and slightly concerned. "Uh what? He's nice but also not?" I asked him while scratching my head in confusion.

"I guess you can say he's harsh that's how me and Hyunjin describe him, like he's really nice I swear is just that he's a bully for fun. He likes watching people suffer but also likes watching people happy" woah he sounds really REALLY harsh.

"That's all I can say, this is between you and me got it?" I nodded then he ran. Weird. I grabbed my books from my locker and headed to my next class.

After my class I decided to skip my last class and went to the rooftop. There I saw Seungmin and his 2 'friends' I was about to leave when I heard their conversation.

"You can beat him up all you want but this!? This is too far for a 'joke'" I heard Minho's voice yelling. "I'm sorry Seungmin but I'm on Minho's side, there's no way I'm doing that he could get badly injured" Okay, now I'm curious who that 'he' is.

"He didn't do anything and you're willing to push him of the rooft? I know you have an image where you're supposed to be harsh and all that but don't go harsh enough to kill someone!" Wow, Minho sounds angry. I peeked a little through the door for a better view of them. Minho and Hyunjin were standing on one side with Minho looking furious and Seungmin on the other side also about to burst.

"Why do you care so much about him huh!? Did you 2 had an affair or something? Hah, Lee Minho fucked Yang Jeongin? that rumor would be weird" My.jaw.dropped. So it was me he was planning to push of a rooftop? But why? What did I do?

I came out from behind the door and yelled at him. "I didn't even do anything and you suddenly had a plan of pushing me off a rooftop!?" All 3 of them were shocked because of my sudden appearance. "You're insane Seungmin, you know that!?" Suddenly he looked down at his feet. Minho and Hyunjin decided to leave the rooftop since I told them to. I needed to talk to him.

When they left a approached Seungmin and held both his shoulders with my hands. "So tell me, is there something that I might've did to hurt you that made you wanna kill me?" He sighed then looked at me with an apologetic look. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to think that way... I tend to think about killing people alot but trust me, I never did any of those"

"It's a good thing you didn't but you need therapy Seungmin, this could be a bad sign!" He sighed but he agreed on getting therapy.

— time skip —
Few years later

Jeongin's POV :

It's now been 2 years, now I graduated from school and surprisingly me and Seungmin started dating once he felt batter after therapy. Things have been good. Seungmin stopped having thoughts about injuring people and Minho and Hyunjin found their own lovers. Seungmin changed his personality and is no longer the harsh type of person anymore.

I thought of that while I watched him sleep, creepy I know but it's normal mostly in wattpad stories? "You look like creep" a husky voice called out. Seungmin was awake. "You just look peaceful when you sleep can I not?" He chuckled at my words a pecked my lips. "Anyway, goodmorning to you too"

He got up at sat on the bed for a few minites then stretched and was about to get up but I stopped him by grabbing his wrist. "5 more minutes please?" I said to him while pouting my lips. He sighed but smiled and agreed. We cuddled for more than 5 minutes since I suggested it purposely so he would have to skip work but don't tell him that. 🤫

— The End —
A/N : Srry if it didn't make sense it's kinda rushed cuz I was told to study at the same time 😓

Story 2/3
One more!

Next story is a secret, no spoiler! 😼

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