★ Chapter 15: The Corridor Of Elders ★

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The time has come. The second battle with the Anacondrai. Brad gulped in fear as chills went down his spine. Everyone was gathered, standing before the entrance of The Corridor Of Elders, awaiting the arrival of Chen and his warriors. Brad's face grew pale as he watched as his father and the followers were driving towards the entrance. He could only really see a little bit considering he had to look over people to be able to see. He was behind the massive crowd that stood, packed together. Brad was tightly tied up with a rope to act as if he was being held hostage. It kinda hurt but he understood why. If they were able to actually get to him, they would want to untie him and being loosely tied up wouldn't be very believable, now would it?

The plan was to keep Brad at the back with Lloyd, so when it was their cue, Lloyd would make it look like he was keeping hold of Brad. He would push Brad (gently but sharp enough to fool Chen) to the front and show him. He would ask Chen to turn back if he wants his son back. They know he won't back down easily, so they won't have to leave Brad with Chen. They, from there, would proceed to make sure that Chen doesn't pass through. 

Chen will obviously try to get his children back so Plan B won't be too difficult. Plan B? Plan B is for Brad and Skylor to take Chen down. Mainly Brad though because Chen still believes that Brad is on his side. Brad will do what ever he can to stop his father.

Brad and Lloyd smiled at each other with different emotions building up inside. Brad's smile contained of fear, sadness and love. He was afraid of everything that might go wrong, he was upset about all the possible consequences and he felt love for Lloyd. Lloyd's smile contained such similar emotions, except he didn't feel the sadness that Brad was feeling. He wasn't feeling the same fear that Brad was feeling too. He was scared, sure, but one emotion that stood out was his love for Brad. That, no matter the situation, he felt that he will love Brad.

Everyone felt fear at this time. Some regret, but it was too late to turn back now. Jay felt afraid and lost. Lost without Nya, afraid for what will peril will come. He wished Nya was standing next to him at the very moment. She wasn't though. Jay was standing at the front with his ninja buddies, Nya was standing at the back with Wu, Garmadon, Misako, Lloyd and Brad. She helped reassure and remind them of the plan. 

Kai and Cole stood at the front together with Jay, Zane, Skylor and some other elemental masters, like Neuro, the Master of the Mind. Kai showed confidence in his face but that was only masking his true feelings. Fear was a main one. Except he felt fear for two reasons. One was the fear of not making it out alive or seeing someone die. The other was that he might not get to live a proper life with Cole. But at the same time, he felt glad. Glad that he got to spend time with Cole as his boyfriend. Glad that he was able to express his love for him. Glad that no matter what happens, he will be with Cole all the way. Cole was feeling similar feelings to Kai. He felt fear, he felt glad, he felt worried, and he felt a sense of relief. Fear for what might happen, glad he can spend it with Kai and his teammates, worried for Kai and his little charade of confidence, and a little relieved from the little whispers from Kai. Whispers like "We can do this" and "We will win, just you wait". Kai clearly saw that Cole was nervous about this fight and decided to reassure him.

Finally, the plan is now going into action. On both sides. Not that Chen has much of a plan. Chen's plan: go through Corridor Of Elders, catch the Ninjas attention, get children back, win, control Ninjago City with oppressive army and children. Isn't much to it. Isn't well thought out. Whereas the Ninja's plan is well thought out, they have backup, they even have a Plan B and a secret, possible Plan C. 

"Where are my children, Ninja? Speaking of Ninja, where is the Green Ninja?" Chen asked, his voice threatening but childish at the same time.

That was the cue. Lloyd pushed Brad to the front revealing the ropes around his body, restricting movement to his arms. Skylor stood beside the two. The acting classes from Darkly's are now kinda paying off.

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