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Things are getting real. The other gladiators are considering leaving the camp, and although I have confidence in Vadnar, I'd prefer if we weren't alone. There's strength in numbers, after all.

Ranrok isn't being subtle about his interest in me. He's looking at me intensely, without care that Vandar is nearby. I don't understand what this man sees in me, other than my foreign features. And I have no interest in finding out. I'm fully devoted to Vadnar, who has looked over me since day one.

I appeared in his peaceful, undisturbed farm and caused chaos. And although he was a man on the run, he took me in. I completely fell for him. That mind of his that notices the little things I do and say. His touch and his nature. Vadnar is a natural born leader, and he has led me head over heels for him. I'm loyal to him although he frustrates me with his boldness and turns my mind to mush with his sensual stare.

Ranrok deserves the same happiness I found with Vadnar, but I can't offer it.
The rest of the day passes by slowly. We're on high alert, looking over our shoulders and expecting colosseum guards to appear in the bushes and drag us back. I ate the meat the men offered me, although it was chewy and metallic. But I can't complain. Not after they hunted this for the group.

There are no beds. Vadnar and I sleep shoulder-to-shoulder on the grass, the sound of the animals hooves hitting leaves jolting me awake. I don't think any of us slept. The tension is too high.
In the morning, we eat what remains of dinner and rush to the beach. I ride with Vadnar for hours. The group was deadly quiet, afraid of raising alarm, but the trip was uneventful. We had no visitors except for a wild boar-like animal that the group turned to lunch.
When we reach the beach, I'm stunned by the purple waves that clash. The black sand reminds me of the arena, but there are no splatters of blood staining it. This slice of nature is undisturbed and beautiful.

We ride down the beach until the afternoon, and I bite my tongue to hide my discomfort from my chafed thighs. I don't want to slow the group down, and knowing Vadnar, he would make us take the day off until I recover.

The men pause when they spot a school of fish jumping out of the water, their colorful scales glittering in the sunlight. They all go hunting with their handmade spears while Hull and Ranrok stand watch.

I feel useless as I sit on the sand and watch everyone do their parts, but I don't know how to swim or have much power to spear the fish. This weighs heavily on me, since I've always been independent. I assured that I would carry my own weight. But all I can do is sit on the sand beside the animals.


My back straightens when a voice calls my name. It's deep, meant for attention just like Vadnar's is.

I turn around, and when I spot Ranrok approaching me, I instantly stand up.
"I must speak with you," he says, his eyes flickering behind me before studying my features, which are so different from his.

I tense and consider walking away. But I have to settle things, because I know Vadnar will not have the patience to do so.


Now it's his time to tense.

"Thanks for carrying me over the wall at the colosseum. I'm glad we're both free and can look for happiness. We deserve it, but you sadly won't find it with me. I'm loyal to Vadnar. Please stop pursuing me."

He crosses his arms over his chest, his muscles bulging. "Before I saw you, I was fine being imprisoned. It was easier being a prisoner where I had fans cheering on my skills than hated in the real world for being a Master. And then I saw you. And you are so beautiful that I became curious of what else is out in this world. Inspired. That is why I'm free now."

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