Kill the hero

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The sun shone its gentle light over the vast and crowded capital of the Empire and its majestic, pristine palace towering above it. Among those plastered and bustling streets protected by the massive walls spreading around the whole magnificent city, three fearless warriors marched on their path to destiny.

"Don't fuck this up, alright?" A young woman's voice lectured the two boys, who followed behind her. She stared the two of them down with both of her hands at her hips; one was just showing off his usual bright, stupid grin and the other was going through the back of his brown, spiky hair with a sweaty smile.

"Ok, ok Sayo...I got it by now." Tatsumi gave in and put his hands on her shoulders.

"No, repeat after me! 'Let Sayo do the talking'! Don't show off and don't complain." Sayo repeated at a snail's pace so even the stupidest of people -namely their other companion- could catch what she was saying for the last 72 hours.

"And if they don't give us a spot, we're just gonna show 'em what we're made of!" Ieaysu chuckled into his hand, earning a hiss and a hard punch in his arm from Sayo.


"Ieyasu isn't entirely wrong either...I mean...we just killed this huge earth dragon thing on the way here... those bandits too...I'm sure they'd at least give us the spot of Captain for that or something." He reasoned, glancing at the long queue of people mostly around their age that went on far past the wooden door to the recruitment center.

"No...You killed that huge thing by yourself...and it's not like we have any proof of that so don't count on it... Many other families from the villages probably sent their kids to the army to get money in. At this rate...we'd probably be lucky to get a spot as an average rank-and-file foot soldier and possibly climb up the ladder at some point if we're lucky." Sayo sighed, slowly rubbing both of her temples, after their arduous journey up to this point. What she would give for a tub filled with steaming hot water...

"And that's why we gotta show 'em that we're stronger than most guys! That way they can't deny us!" Ieyasu insisted with a clenched fist raised into the air only to be met with another punch. This time on his noggin.

"Ouch..." The poor boy rubbed the top of his head and took several steps away from Sayo.

"No, they don't care about that. They just want to get their jobs done. To them we're just like any other stanger, so we should not embarrass ourselves." Sayo added, now calm again as the steam from her left fist slowly evaporated. At first, she was against using force on this blockhead for the fear that the miniscule amount of brain cells he perhaps had somewhere deep down in the corners of his thick, hollow skull would be erased entirely, making him painstakingly stupider than he already was, but at this point...that was the only method reigning in said idiocy. It couldn't get much worse now, could it?

"That's why we gotta leave a good impression!" Ieyasu nearly shouted, again with that carefree grin of his that spanned across his entire face.

"You stupid..." Sayo groaned through razor-sharp teeth with her fist already cocked back and aimed at Ieyasu again.

Tatsumi quickly interjected with a nervous smile and a drop of sweat on his brow as he went between them, creating some distance before Sayo could let out her frustrations. "Regardless... we'll do it Sayo's way. And if they want to see something, we'll show them."

I swear...breaking up their fights gets harder and harder by the day...

"At least you have some sense left in you..." Sayo breathed out and let her fist relax.

"I guess it's fine by me...I got a good feeling about this. I'm sure they'll take us." Ieyasu giggled again with his hands behind his head that already had a big fat bump on it. "Still think my way is better though..." Sayo's eye only twitched at that, but she made no further move.

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