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"I've always felt alone my whole life, for as long as I can remember.
I don't know if I like it...or I'm just used to it, but I do know this.
Being lonely does things to you and feeling shit and bitter and angry all the time just...eats away at you."


In a dark and quiet city, with street lights being the only light source, a train in service late at night. No one was inside of the train car but a lone man sitting, and looking out the window. The dim lights showing his dull expression.

Regaining the sense of his surroundings, he rubs his eyes and falls asleep.


Walking around the poorly lit streets dragging his feet and hunched over, Simon suddenly hears groaning, "Help! Somebody!". Simon looks up to see an older man dragging himself on the ground around the corner. "Oh shit!" Simon exclaims.
He runs up to the man and kneels down to help. "What happened?" The old man doesn't respond as Simon is trying to assist him.

A few feet away from the two is a car starting up turning its lights on, reving up the engine and taking off rushing towards Simon and the old man. Simon looks up and gets hit without having any time to react.

Simon's knocked out. Coming in and out of consciousness, Simon can briefly see the old man right above his face. Somehow, Simon can't make out anything the man is saying.
After he blacks out again, he sees a padded cell
Then the old man
Someone getting their head bashed into something
A familiar looking girl


Instantly, in a small messy room, a camera in Simon's grasp, Simon observes the room. Messy floor, messy bed, a picture on the wall, and a bright lamp illuminating the room. He turns around a meets with a door wide open that leads into an abyss.
Simon walks into the dark area, looks up, and sees a white X. He figures that he probably needs to take a picture, and so he does. When he does, a door appears and opens at the same time. Simon walks through the door and sees two Cs to his left and one to his right. He starts taking pictures.

'I hate you'

Then he turns to his right, and another door opens. Another X appears, but a little farther.

Another door

One X on his left, two on the ground, and one on his right.

Taking a picture towards the ground, Simon sees a man lying on the ground presumably dead. He shutters and moves on towards the other one on the ground, and a door opens. Jumping down and seeing an X. A door opens, and he sees an X on the ceiling and one right next to him. Simon takes a picture and flashes a person dangling by a rope around the neck. Appearing to have committed suicide.

Simon turns his head to his left and sees an X that wasn't there before. He snaps a picture, and a window pops up and shatters immediately. Walking up to the window, Simon sees another X.

He jumps through the broken window and takes the picture, and a door opens. Walking in and snapping another photograph of the X. What Simon sees is a reflection of himself punching the glass. As the deception occurs, the floor beneath Simon shatters as well. Leaving him in a room full of X's.

He starts taking more pictures.
A window with someone on the other side
'I can't take this anymore'

Simon takes a picture, and a door opens, leading to another X. He runs up to the X and snaps a picture leading to another X, but it's farther away. Simon is starting to hear screams all around him but pays no mind to it as he's running towards the X that is miles away.
As he gets closer, a rather large blooded head pops up out of nowhere, starts screaming, and scares Simon. Simon feels his adrenaline rise and lower immediately, passes out from the scare, and blacks out once again.

Cry of Fear (Simon Henriksson x Fem! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now