- evil v.s good -

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Location: ~Whitedail, Hallway side, the roofs~
The streets are a mess. The hero has been trying to keep it clean in his free time, but it looks like the villain knows his next move everytime. He can never get a break can he?

A few yells caught his attention while he tried picking up the rubble.


It sounded like a young girl yelling in distress. He went on high alert, using the wind for leverage, it heighten as he was lifted on the closest building he could get on. When he was at the very time he tried to locate where the scream came from. It sounded again.

Left bottom, Oxzy said in his head. He jumped down from the building onto another, letting the drift in the air catch his fall with changing its direction. He did the same every jump he did, making sure not to hurt himself.

When he was close enough the screams were suddenly muffled. Oxzy got riled up even more, suddenly moving from the corner he spotted a small teenage girl trying to pry herself from two older men.


Their hands were over her mouth, muffling any sounds that tried to surface.

Oxzy didn't have to think twice before blasting the older men away. It ended up hitting the man that was half naked as well, throwing both of them back and into the hard concrete floor. The girl's legs were shaking, but that didn't stop her from running over to the hero, grabbing onto him and crying. "Agh- Help! Please! They are trying to rape me!" The girl screamed and cried into the hero.

Oxzy moved so she was behind him, turning his attention to the two men in front of him. He wanted to kill them. But knew he couldn't.

He turned to the girl, hearing the men groaning in pain while standing up. "Stay here." He didn't know if there were others trying to get to her, he had to keep her safe.

Jutting his hands out, a bit of the dirt under the concrete emerged to cover underneath the girl, soon leafs and bushes sprouted out. The girl gasped in shock and amazement, distracting her from what the hero was gonna do. When he knew the girl was safely blocked by the thick leaves he turned his full attention to the men in front of him, who in turn, turned their attention to him.

"Fuck it's this guy." One of them said, annoying the other man who pulled his pants up.

He turned to the hero. "You just gotta ruin the fun ay' Oxzy?" He laughed out loud, not caring a inch about what's to come. The other guy did, he slowly moved back but the hero didn't allow it.

In one quick motion, both men were swept up in the air. The air around them sped up due to Oxzy, he moved his arms around like creating a spell, but he was just making the air more dense in the middle of where the two men were held. They began to choke. The hero was suffocating them, he knew he couldn't kill them. He had to take them to the sheriff's office.

He closed his eyes, creating a map in his head while the surface under the ground became cold and icy. The hero dropped them, making them slide on the cold icy pavement and on the map he had created to the sheriff's office. Oxzy opened his eyes, making the air follow and push the two men down to the office.

He then turned to the girl, releasing the bushes and freeing her. She turned to him, tears still running down her face. But a smile lifted her lips. "Thank you Oxzy."

Oxzy bowed his head in return, he stood back up facing her with a cool gaze. "Do you want to go to the sheriff's office to report them? Or home?"

She took some time to think before deciding. "I-... I want to report them as quickly as possible." The hero nodded to her.

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