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A/n: my back hurts, I just finished a basketball game and i fell over...it was kinda embarrassing 😭.



"I dibs top bunk!"

"Paper, scissors, rock!"

"I want the bottom bunk..."

"Paper, scissors rock!!"


"Such a hassle..."

Currently half of the class was fighting over who gets what bed, it made quite the chaos.

"Haha! I get top bunk." Hyo teased.

"Shut up!" Reo sighed.

"We could always share, you know, you know." Hyo teased again slinging his arm around Reos shoulder.

Reo just glared at him playfully and pushed him away.

"You're gross." Reo joked, it just made the class laugh really.

After finally being able to settle down, Isagi also ended up having a top bunk and he ended up going next to Hyo and Chigiri, while Nagi was below him.

"Hey, do you guys wanna play Uno later on tonight?" Hyo asked the class.

"...we might get in trouble with how loud we will definitely get." Chigiri pointed out.

"It'll be fun though!" Bachira added in.

"Ill play." Isagi said.

"Count me in..." Nagi mumbled only just loud enough for people to hear, he sounded half asleep.

"I guess ill join in too then." Reo nodded.

"In the end, I suppose you all don't have a choice." Bachira grinned.

They all carried on talking amongst themselves before hearing a knock on their cabin door. Kurona who was closest to the door stood up and opened it looking at the man.

"Ah, hello! I'm just here to inform you all to get ready and meet at the field." The man said and bowed.

"Okay." Kurona replied, then shut the door not letting him say anything else.

The whole room went silent as their eyes were on Kurona, before they all burst into laughter causing Kurona confusion.

"He...might've needed to say something else...Kurona." Reo managed to say past his laughter.

"Oh..." Kurona mumbled a little embarrassed now.

"It's fine Kurona, you already shut the door." Chigiri chuckled.

Kurona nodded and sat back down on his bed.

"...you know thinking about it he probably did need to say something else, what are we supposed to do to prepare ourselves?" Hyo asked.


"I'm just going to assume something to run in." Reo shrugged.

"Probably." Isagi nodded in agreement.

After they all managed to get ready, of course it took them a while many of them can't be serious at all. They were making their way to the field as Hyo and Reo were hanging behind everyone a bit.

"You said you needed to talk...before we went on the bus, you okay?" Hyo asked looking at Reo.

"Mm...does...Nagi like Isagi? Has he told you?" Reo asked.

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