Chapter 1-Lost In a City

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On the floor in a dirty alley lays Simon face down. He grumbles, "Where am I?" As he pulls himself up to his knees and then fully standing.

"How did I get here?" Simon asks once again while observing the nearly empty alley. A beep from his pocket alerts him, and he goes to grab his phone, 'Hm... no phone credit as usual. I better get moving. It's getting dark.' he pondered. Simon leaves his phone back in his pocket.


Walking towards the back of the alley was nothing but a couple of trash cans. So Simon walked back and out into a hallway with his switchblade in hand.
Simon's phone beeps again and shows that it's a message from his mother.


'Where are you? Come home as soon as possible, it's getting dark.'

He sighs, knowing that he should get home because the sky gets darker by the time he sees the text. On that thought, he turns the flashlight on his device and continues walking around, trying to find a way out and back home.

Simon looks up and sees a tunnel and walks inside. As he turns the corner, Simon spots something in the corner of his eye. 'Huh? What was that?' He debated thinking if he should keep going or look for another route, but that would take him longer to get home. So he just continues on down the hallway.

Simon walks up to a door, but it won't budge. 'I can't open it. Strange, there's no lock on it.' He keeps walking. 'Help me? What is going on here?' He spots another door, but it has a padlock. He attempts a few numbers, but no avail.

He walks away, and another door pops up with a garage door right next to it. Simon walks through the door and is met with another hallway. Grimacing, he walks down and is lead back outside. Simon looks to his left and walks down a flight of stairs that ends up with a boarded up wall. Inside a white van and another door.

Lighting flashes as a ghost like figure materializes and vanishes. With raised brows, Simon shakes it off and walks into the door, leaving him in a brick hall with dim lights. Instead of walking, he ran down the hall and was face to face with a door wide open that led outside in between apartment buildings.

He walks for a while, climbing a few flights of stairs, making a left turn, and entering an-what seems to be-empty city. Simon walks past the church as its bell rings a few times. The last rings are lower in tone. In front of Simon is a white van, which he doesn't pay attention to and turns to look at the end of the road. He sees a piece of paper and ends up gravitating towards it, picking it up, and reading 'cloudyday'.

Simon frowns for whatever reason and drops the note, and walks away back to where the front of the church is.

As Simon walks back to the center, he notices a stairway leading up. He walks up the stairs and finds another note that says, 'ea45'. At this point, Simon was never getting home. Letting out a frustrated sigh, he gets up and walks around again. He spots a jack-o-lantern next to a slightly open door. Intrigued by the door, Simon walks inside.

(Sorry about this chapter. I promise it's gonna get better 😭)

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